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Course Detail

Course Name Glimpses of Glorious India
Course Code 22ADM111
Credits 2


  1. Chapter 1 – Face the Brutes
  2. Chapter 2 – Role of Women in India
  3. Chapter 3 – Acharya Chanakya
  4. Chapter 4 – God and Iswara
  5. Chapter 5 – Bhagavad Gita: From Soldier to Samsarin to Sadhaka
  6. Chapter 6 – Lessons of Yoga from Bhagavad Gita
  7. Chapter 7 – Indian Soft Powers: A Solution For Many Global Challenges
  8. Chapter 8 – Nature Preservation through faith
  9. Chapter 9 – Ancient Cultures what happened to
  10. Chapter 10 – Practical Vedanta
  11. Chapter 11 – To the World from India
  12. Chapter 12 – IndianApproach to Science

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective(s)

To introduce students to the depths and richness of the Indian culture and knowledge traditions, and to enable them to obtain a synoptic view of the grandiose achievements of India in diverse fields. To equip students with a knowledge of their country and its eternal values.


Course Outcomes

COs Description
CO1 This part deals with two topics: The Need to Become Fearless in Life and the Role or Status of Women in


CO2 This part deals with three topics: Teachings and Principles of Chanakya, Difference between the terms

God and Iswara and Contribution of Bhagavad Gita





This area handles two important concepts: Indian Soft powers and A portrayal of how nature was pre- served through the medium of Faith. Inner power is about never giving up on your dreams. To manifest more of what you desire in life, you must be prepared to embrace your

inner power. You must be persistent if you wantto succeed. Maintain your modesty and never stop learn- ing. Inner strength is an attitude to life. Faiths shape and direct how we think, act, and live our lives.

However, faith’s power is not solely spiritual. To preserve nature, our forefathers established systems and traditions based on faith. Our culture and faith are intricately bound to nature.





Two important topics are discussed here: A Brief history of Ancient Indian Cultures and a Discussion on Practical Vedanta. Indian culture is the legacy of the ethno-linguistically diverse country’s social norms, moral principles, traditional practices, belief systems, political systems, artefacts, and technologies. Fol- lowing every invasion or change of political control, new

kingdoms carried their respective cultures with them, adding to the Indian culture. Vedanta is the philoso- phy of the Upanishads. Every soul possesses the potential to be divine. The objective is to manipulate this inner divinity by invoking both internal and external natural forces.



From this part, a student gets an insight into the contribution that India has made to the world. Moreover, foreign powers have been trying to humiliate and degrade India in front of the world for so long. How- ever, it should be recognized that many inventions that are considered beneficial to the world today have

been contributed by the great men of India.

CO-PO Mapping
































CO1 3 2 2 3 3
CO2 2 2 2 2
CO3 3 2 3 2 2 3
CO4 1 1 1 1
CO5 2 1 1 2 3 3

Text Books / References


  1. Glimpses Of Glorious India



Evaluation Pattern


Assessment Weightage (%)
Midterm 30
Continuous Assessment 20
End Semester Exam 50
Total Marks 100

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