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Course Detail

Course Name Foundations of Indian Heritage
Course Code 22ADM101
Semester 1
Credits 2


  1. Chapter 1 – Educational Heritage of Ancient India
  2. Chapter 2 – Life and Happiness
  3. Chapter 3 – Impact of Colonialism and Decolonization
  4. Chapter 4- A timeline of Early Indian Subcontinent
  5. Chapter 5 – Indian approach towards life
  6. Chapter 6 – Circle of Life
  7. Chapter 7- Pinnacle of Selflessness and ultimate freedom
  8. Chapter 8- Ocean of love; Indian
  9. Chapter 9 – Become A Strategic Thinker (Games / Indic activity)
  10. Chapter 10 – Man’s association with Nature
  11. Chapter 11 – Celebrating life 24/7
  12. Chapter 12 – Metaphors and Tropes
  13. Chapter 13 – India: In the Views of foreign Scholars and Travellers.

Self-Study/ Self-reading

  1. Chapter 14 – Personality Development Through
  2. Chapter 15 – Hallmark ofIndian Traditions: Advaita Vedanta, Theory of oneness
  3. Chapter 16 – Conversations on Compassion with Amma

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective(s)

To introduce students to the depths and richness of the Indian culture and knowledge traditions, and to enable them to obtain a synoptic view of the grandiose achievements of India in diverse fields. To equip students with a knowledge of their country and its eternal values.

Course Outcomes

COs Description
CO1 Increase student understanding of true essence of India’s cultural and spiritual heritage.
CO2 Emancipating Indian histories and practices from manipulation, misunderstandings and other ideological

baggage thus, shows its contemporary relevance.

CO3 Understand the ethical and political strategic concepts to induce critical approach to various theories

about India.

CO4 Familiarize students with the multi dimension of man’s interaction with nature, fellow beings and society

in general.

CO5 Appreciate the socio-political and strategic innovations based on Indian knowledge systems. Gives an un-

derstanding of bringing Indian teaching into practical life.

CO-PO Mapping































CO1 2 2 3
CO2 1 2 3
CO3 2 2 3 3
CO4 3 3 2 3 3
CO5 2 1 2 1 3 1 2

Evaluation Pattern


Assessment Weightage (%)
Midterm 30
Continuous Assessment 20
End Semester Exam 50
Total Marks 100

Text Books / References


  1. Foundations of Indian Heritage

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