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Course Detail

Course Name English II
Course Code 24ENG111
Program B.B.A.  (Honours/ Honours with Research) , B.Des. (Hons.) in Communication Design, B.Com. (Specialization in International Finance)
Semester 2
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru ,Kochi


Unit 1

Vocabulary Building: One-word substitutes; Antonyms and Synonyms; Words often Confused Error Analysis (Subject-Verb Agreement; Tense Sequence; Usage of Articles and Prepositions; Determiners; Redundancy); Modifiers (misplaced, dangling, etc.)

Unit 2

Circulars; Memos; Formal Letter writing; e-Mail Etiquette; Instruction, Suggestion & Recommendation; Essay writing: Analytical and Argumentative

Unit 3

Sounds of English: Stress, Intonation – Listening Comprehension (3 pieces – Women in Technology Panel discussion, India Questions Abdul Kalam, UPSC Topper Mock interview Akshat Jain) – Current News Awareness

Unit 4

Reports: Incident Report, Event Report

Situational Dialogue; Group Discussion (Opinion)

Unit 5

Mini Project and Presentation

Objectives and Outcomes


To train students to convey and document information in a formal environment; to facilitate them to acquire the skill of self-projection in professional circles; to inculcate critical and analytical thinking.

Cos Course Outcomes
CO 1 Illustrate comprehension of the fundamentals of writing
CO 2 Analyse audio text focussing on English phonetics, pronunciation and meaning comprehension
CO 3 Apply theoretical knowledge to write professional documents
CO 4  Infer from current news to formulate ideas and opinions
CO5 Prepare appropriate content for mini project and make effective presentation

Text Books / References


  1. Felixa Eskey. Tech Talk, University of Michigan. 2005
  2. Michael Swan. Practical English Usage, Oxford University Press. 2005
  3. Anderson, Paul. Technical Communication: A Reader Centered Approach, V Edition, Hercourt, 2003 .
  4. Martinet, Thomson, A Practical English Grammar, IV Ed. OUP, 1986.
  5. Raymond V. Lesikar and Marie E. Flatley. Basic Business Communication, Tata

McGraw Hill Pub. Co. New Delhi. 2005. Tenth Edition.

  1. Thampi, G. Balamohan. Meeting the World: Writings on Contemporary Issues. Pearson, 2013.
  2. Lynch, Tony. Study Listening. New Delhi: CUP, 2008.
  3. Kenneth, Anderson, Tony Lynch, Joan Mac Lean. Study Speaking. New Delhi: CUP, 2008.
  4. Marks, Jonathan. English Pronunciation in Use. New Delhi: CUP, 2007.
  5. Syamala, V. Effective English Communication for You (Functional Grammar, Oral and Written Communication): Emerald, 2002.
  6. Sample Question Papers from Competitive Examinations
  7. Women in Technology Panel discussion :-
  1. India Questions Abdul Kalam :-
  1. UPSC Topper Mock interview, Akshat Jain :-

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