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Course Detail

Course Name Basics of Water Colour painting.
Course Code 24OEL270
Program BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)

Unit 1

Introduction to Water colour Painting History and Styles

Explore the origins of watercolour painting and its cultural significance. Study different watercolour painting styles (such as traditional, contemporary, and experimental).

Unit 2

Foundational Techniques

Learn about brush types, sizes, and shapes. Practice basic techniques (such as washes, glazes, and layering).

Unit 3

Colour Theory and Mixing

Master colour theory concepts (such as hue, saturation, value). Experiment with colour mixing to create harmonious palettes.

Unit 4

Composition and Design

Learn about composition principles (such as balance, contrast, rhythm). Apply design concepts to create visually engaging artworks.

Unit 5

Project Work and Personal Expression

Apply watercolour painting skills to create personalized projects (such as landscapes, portraits, or still lifes). Reflect on the expressive potential of watercolour painting.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

By the end of this course, students will be able to: Understand the history and significance of watercolour painting as an art form. Master foundational techniques for creating beautiful watercolour paintings. Apply watercolor painting skills to create expressive and evocative artworks. Explore various watercolour painting styles and their unique characteristics. Develop an appreciation for the aesthetics and versatility of watercolour painting.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Understand the history and significance of watercolour painting as an art form. CO2: Develop an appreciation for the aesthetics and versatility of watercolour painting. CO3: Apply watercolour painting skills to create expressive and evocative artworks.

CO4: Explore various watercolour painting styles and their unique characteristics. CO5: Critique your own work and that of others in terms of composition principles. CO6: Apply design concepts to create visually engaging artworks.

Text Books / References


  1. Tom Hoffmann – Watercolor Painting: A Comprehensive Guide for Artists – Watson-Guptill Publication
  2. Erik Olofsson and Klara Sjolen – Design Sketching
  3. Gordon MacKenzie – The Watercolorist’s Essential Notebook: Keep Painting! A Treasury of Tips

to Inspire Your Watercolor Painting Adventure – North Light Books

  1. Michael Reardon – Watercolor Techniques: Painting Light and Color in Landscapes and Cityscapes – North Light Books
  2. Chuck Long – Watercolor Success! 52 Essential Tips for Painting Better Watercolors
  3. Kelly Klapstein – The Art of Watercolor Lettering: A Beginner’s Step-by-Step Guide to Painting Modern Calligraphy and Lettered Art – Quarry Books
  4. Haridas Nareekal – Understanding Watercolour: A Book on Watercolour Painting

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