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Course Detail

Course Name Basics of Landscape painting in water Colour
Course Code 24OEL271
Program BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)

Unit 1

Introduction to Landscape Painting

Explore the historical context of landscape painting. Understand the role of landscapes in visual storytelling.

Unit 2

Tools and Materials for Landscape Painting

Learn about watercolour brushes, papers, and pigments suitable for landscapes. Experiment with different brush strokes and textures.

Unit 3

Foundational Techniques for Landscapes

Practice wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry techniques. Study colour mixing for natural elements (such as grass, rocks, and water).

Unit 4

Elements of Landscape Composition

Analyze the visual components of landscapes (horizon lines, focal points, foreground-background balance). Explore techniques for creating depth and perspective.

Unit 5

Specific Landscape Elements

Study how to paint skies (clouds, sunsets, and atmospheric effects). Explore techniques for trees, foliage, and water (rivers, lakes, and reflections). Creating Mood and Emotion in Landscapes: Understand how colour choices and lighting impact the mood of a landscape. Experiment with different approaches to evoke emotions in your paintings.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

By the end of this course, students will be able to: Understand the significance of landscape painting in art history and its role in visual storytelling. Apply foundational watercolour techniques to create expressive and realistic landscape artworks. Analyze and interpret various landscape elements (such as skies, trees, water, and mountains) in their paintings. Evaluate their own work in terms of composition, colour harmony, and mood. Create original landscape paintings that evoke emotions and connect with viewers.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Understand the significance of landscape painting in art history.

CO2: Analyze and interpret various landscape elements in paintings.

CO3: Apply foundational watercolour techniques to create expressive landscape artworks.

CO4: Evaluate your own work in terms of composition and colour harmony.

CO5: Critique landscape paintings based on their emotional impact.

CO6: Create original landscape paintings that connect with viewers.

Text Books / References


  1. Ron Ranson – Watercolor Landscape
  2. Gordon MacKenzie – The Watercolorist’s Essential Notebook: Keep Painting! A Treasury of Tips

to Inspire Your Watercolor Painting Adventure – North Light Books

  1. Michael Reardon – Watercolor Techniques: Painting Light and Color in Landscapes and Cityscapes North Light Books.
  2. Tom Hoffmann – Watercolor Painting: A Comprehensive Guide for Artists Watson-Guptill Publication
  3. Chuck Long – Watercolor Success! 52 Essential Tips for Painting Better Watercolors
  4. Haridas Nareekal – Understanding Watercolour: A Book on Watercolour Painting
  5. Charles LeClair – The Art of Watercolor: Techniques and New Directions – Prentice Hall

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