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Course Detail

Course Name Basic Mechanical Engineering
Course Code 23CIE114
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester 2
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore


Unit 1

UNIT–I: Introduction to Thermodynamic terms – System, Surroundings, Boundary, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Properties, State, Process and Cycle, Energy Interactions – Heat and Work. Refrigeration: Mechanical Refrigeration and types – units of refrigeration –reversed Carnot cycle, COP, vapour compression cycle (only description and no problems); Definitions of dry, wet & dew point temperatures, specific humidity and relative humidity, Cooling and dehumidification, Layout of unit and central air conditioners. Working of summer and winter air-conditioning units. Modes and mechanisms of heat transfer – Basic laws of heat transfer – General discussion about applications of heat transfer.

Unit 2

UNIT–II: Basic principles of crystalline materials, classification of metallic materials, Mechanical properties – stress-strain curves for ductile and brittle alloys. Ductility – Resilience and toughness. Hardness testing. Classification of cast iron and steels – properties, microstructures and uses of cast irons, plain carbon, alloy, stainless, heat resistant steels. Composition, properties, microstructures and uses of non-ferrous alloys – brass, bronze, aluminium, nickel and zinc alloys. Heat treatment of steels: annealing, normalizing, hardening and tempering.– Introduction to metal cutting – Residual Stresses – Weldability of metals. Introduction to manufacturing of cold forming of steels -Cold form sections-.

Unit 3

Unit III LAB only demonstration

  1. Performance study of Refrigeration
  2. Performance study of Air conditioning
  3. Microstructure study of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous alloys
  4. . Effect of heat on hardened steel
  5. Weldability study using ISO 17641 and 17642 Field visit to steel manufacturing/fabrication plant

Text Books / References

Text Book

  1. Cengel A. & Boles M. A., “Thermodynamics – an Engineering Approach”, 8/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2016
  2. Callister W. D. – ‘Materials Science and Engineering’ – John Wiley & Sons – 2010 – 8 th Edition

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