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Course Detail

Course Name Building Materials & Technology Studio I
Course Code PC: 24ARC182
Program 5-Year Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
Semester 1 to 2
Credits 8
Campus Coimbatore


Module 1

Elements of Buildings – Substructure/Superstructure

  • Introduction to building elements: foundations, walls, roofs, floors.
  • Functions of different components from substructure to superstructure in load bearing, framed and composite structures.
  • Introduction to structural paradigms: load-bearing and frame structures.
  • Understanding construction-built forms and practices through simple building studies.
Module 2

Introduction to Building Construction Drawing Practices & Conventions

  • Introduction to standard conventions in building construction drawings.
  • Types of Architectural Drawings
  • Basic drawing techniques: floor plans, sections, elevations.
  • Building detail models focusing on various structural components.
  • Techniques for preparing and presenting construction drawings.
Module 3

Contextual Relevance of Building Materials

  • Overview of natural and artificial building materials and their applications.
  • Study of material properties: density, strength, thermal properties, etc.
  • Selection criteria for materials: technology, aesthetics, socio-economic and cultural considerations.
  • Introduction to green materials and ecological impact of material selection.
Module 4

Foundations – Types, Functions, and Materials

  • Introduction to foundation types for masonry/load bearing structures.
  • Techniques used in shallow and deep foundations; materials used in construction.
  • Understanding soil properties and foundation behavior: bearing capacity, soil classification.
  • Vernacular foundation construction methods using materials like stone, bamboo, and rammed earth.
Module 5

Masonry – Techniques and Materials

  • Study of masonry materials: bricks, stones, mud blocks, rammed earth, adobe.
  • Masonry bonds and their applications: stretcher, header, English, Flemish, stack, rat trap.
  • Techniques for preparing and applying cement concrete and mortar in Masonry.
  • Vernacular masonry materials and techniques, focusing on sustainability and local contexts.
Module 6

Building Envelope – Function and Types in Load Bearing Construction

  • Function and desirable properties of building envelopes (walls, roofs, floors).
  • Study of materials used in load bearing construction.
  • Multistorey Construction in Load Bearing Construction.
  • Contemporary Architects and their contribution in load bearing construction.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

  • To introduce students to the fundamental components of buildings, with a focus on substructure and superstructure.
  • To develop an understanding of building materials, both natural and artificial, through their properties and selection criteria.
  • To analyze the structural systems in architecture, including load-bearing and framed structures, and their construction techniques.
  • To familiarize students with construction practices, conventions, and building detail models, linking theory with practical application in design.

Course Outcomes:

  • Students will gain an understanding of building elements, construction techniques, and their role in the structural integrity of buildings.
  • Students will learn the properties and appropriate applications of various building materials in load bearing construction.
  • Students will be able to produce detailed construction drawings and models that demonstrate an understanding of materiality and load bearing structures.
  • Students will develop critical thinking regarding the selection of materials, considering socio-cultural, economic, and ecological factors in architecture.

Text Books / References


1. Building Construction Illustrated – Francis D.K. Ching

Covers building elements, construction techniques, and materials, with detailed illustrations.

2. Construction Technology: An Illustrated Introduction – Eric Fleming

Introduces construction methods and materials, with a focus on technology and practice.

3. Materials for Architects and Builders – Arthur Lyons

Focuses on the properties and applications of materials, including timber, masonry, and concrete.

4. The Art of Building in the Classical World – John R. Senseney

Discusses the use of materials and construction techniques in historical buildings.

5. Modern Construction Handbook – Andrew Watts

Provides a comprehensive look at modern construction technologies, materials, and structural systems.

6. Vernacular Architecture: Principles and Examples – Paul Oliver

Explores vernacular construction methods, materials, and their contextual relevance.

7. Timber Construction for Architects and Builders – Eliot W. Goldstein

Covers timber as a construction material, its properties, structural systems, and detailing techniques.

8. Brickwork for Apprentices – J.C. Hodge

Focuses on brick masonry techniques, bonds, and construction practices.

9. Green Building Materials – Ross Spiegel & Dru Meadows

Explores environmentally friendly building materials and sustainable construction practices.

10. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice – Karl Terzaghi

Provides insights into soil properties, foundation behavior, and construction techniques for different soil types.

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