Unit 1
Introduction: Importance and Role of Avionics, the Avionic Environment – Air Data Systems: Air Data Information and its Use, Air Data Laws and Relationships, Air Data Sensors and Computations.
Course Name | Avionics |
Course Code | 15 AES 304 |
Program | B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering |
Semester | Five |
Year Taught | 2019 |
Introduction: Importance and Role of Avionics, the Avionic Environment – Air Data Systems: Air Data Information and its Use, Air Data Laws and Relationships, Air Data Sensors and Computations.
Embedded Systems: Basic Hardware Building Blocks of a Typical Embedded System – Software Concepts Relevant to Avionics: Interrupts and Real Time Operating Systems – Case Studies Illustrating Importance of Embedded Systems in Avionics – Introduction to Electronic Communication Systems – Utility of Radio Navigation Aids.
Inertial Sensors and Systems: Laser and MEMS Gyros, Accelerometers, Attitude Heading Reference System – Navigation Systems: Basic Principles, Inertial Navigation, Strapped-Down Inertial Systems – Introduction to Autopilot and UAV Avionics.
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