Unit 1
Support Vector Machines: Hyperplane, Maximum Margin Classifier, Support Vector Classifiers, Support Vector Machines, One vs One Classification and One vs All Classification, Relationship to Logistic Regression.
Course Name | Advanced topics in Machine learning |
Course Code | 24CSC332 |
Program | 5 Year Integrated MSc/ BSc. (H) in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science |
Semester | Elective |
Credits | 3 |
Campus | Amritapuri |
Support Vector Machines: Hyperplane, Maximum Margin Classifier, Support Vector Classifiers, Support Vector Machines, One vs One Classification and One vs All Classification, Relationship to Logistic Regression.
Dimensionality reduction, linear methods including PCA, Linear discriminant analysis, Nonlinear methods, Isomap, Local linear embedding, nonlinear PCA, t-SNE
Regression trees, Classification trees, comparison of trees and linear models, Bagging, Random Forests, Boosting.
Bayes Theorem, Prior, Likelihood function, Maximum likelihood estimation, Undirected graphical models, Hidden Markov Models.
Course outcomes
CO1: Understand to apply Logistic regressions.
CO2: Linear discriminant analysis, Nonlinear methods, Isomap, Local linear embedding
CO3: Able to apply Regression trees, Classification trees, comparison of trees and linear models,
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