- Energy: Energy content of foods. Physiological fuel value – review. Measurement of energy expenditure: BMR, RMR, Thermic effect of feeding and physical activity, methods of measurement. Estimating energy requirements of individuals and groups. Regulation of energy metabolism: control of food intake, digestion, absorption and body weight.
- Carbohydrates: Types, classification, digestion and transport – review, dietary fibre, fructo oligosaccharides, resistant starch – chemical composition and physiological effects. Glycemic index of foods. Sweeteners – nutritive and non-nutritive.
- Proteins: Classification, digestion, absorption and transport – review. Metabolism of proteins: Role of muscle, liver and gastro intestinal tract. Protein quality, methods of evaluating protein quality. Protein and amino acid requirements. Therapeutic applications of specific amino acids: Branched chain, glutamine, arginine, homocysteine, cysteine, taurine.
- Lipids: Classification, digestion, absorption, transport – review. Functions of EFA. Role of n-3, n-6 fatty acids in health and disease. Requirements of total fat and fatty acids. Trans fatty acids. Prostaglandins.
- Water: Regulation of intra and extra cellular volume. Osmolality, water balance and its regulation.
- Minerals: ◦ Macro minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride. Micro minerals: Iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, fluoride.Trace minerals: selenium, cobalt, chromium, vanadium, silicon, boron, nickel
- Vitamins: Historical background, structure, food sources, absorption and transport, metabolism, biochemical function, assessment of status. Interactions with other nutrients. Physiological, pharmacological and therapeutic effects, toxicity and deficiency with respect to the following.
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- Dr. M. Govindaraju,Dr. R. Vaira Vignesh & Dr. B. Venkataraman were Awarded INR 57,94,000 by the Aeronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Government of India for the development of Brazing Technology for Joining C(f)-SiC to C(f)-SiC and C(f)-SiC to Inconel using High-temperature Brazing Alloys and Surface Activators
- AMRITA IQAC Head Addresses Online FDP of SAGE University