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Course Detail

Course Name Advanced Digital Imaging Lab
Course Code 24VMC583
Program MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production)
Semester 1
Credits 4
Campus Mysuru


Unit I

Introduction and Workspace

Workspace, Tools, and Panels, Opening an existing document, Discovering the Tools panel, Accessing tools and their options, Using panels, Customizing your panels, Hidden tools, Navigating the image area, Using the Zoom features, Maximizing productivity with screen modes

Unit II

Working with Selections-

The importance of a good selection, Using the Marquee tools, Changing a selection into a layer, Working with the Magic Wand tool, The Lasso tool, Adding to and subtracting from selections, Adding to and deleting from the selection, Saving a selection, Feathering a selection, Using the Quick Selection tool, Making difficult selections with the Refine Edge feature, Using Quick Mask, Copying and pasting a selection, Using the Pen tool for selections, Converting a path to a selection

Unit III

Understanding Layers-

Background layers, Creating layers, Rearrange & editing layers, Opacity & Layer Blending Modes, Linking Layers, Applying Layer Styles, Flattening Layers, Layer Comps, Duplicating & Aligning Layers, Layer Groups, Preserve transparency, Creating a composition, Creating a layer mask, Editing the layer mask, Cloning layers, Filtering your layers, Smart layer, GIF animation

Unit IV

Painting and Retouching

Setting up your color settings, Color primer, Understanding color gamut.,The RGB color model The CMYK color model, Editing color settings, Selecting colors, Starting to paint, Using the Color panel, Using the Brush tool, Changing opacity, Using the Brush Presets, Using the Airbrush feature, Applying color to an image, Changing blending modes., The Eyedropper tool, Retouching images, Using the Clone Stamp tool, Repairing fold lines, The History panel, The Spot Healing Brush, The Healing Brush, Using the Patch tool, Using the Clone Source panel, Cloning from another source

Unit V

Working with 3D images-

Creating a 3D shape from a layer, Manipulating 3D objects, Using 3D panels to adjust lighting and surface textures, Merging 2D onto 3D layers, Importing 3D Files, Painting onto a 3D object, Using Repoussé to create 3D text, All-new Smart Sharpen, Intelligent upsampling, Camera Shake Reduction, Editable rounded rectangles, Improved 3D painting, Improved type styles, Improved 3D Scene panel, Improved 3D effects, Automating and Scripting Workflow in Photoshop

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

This course covers the advanced skills of image production and manipulation, using the industry- standard software to work with digital images for both Web and print use. Understanding the structure of this application enables the student to systematically build confidence and skill in its use, and also apply its principles in related applications. This course surveys the breadth and depth of the software workspace and toolset through lecture presentations and lab exercises. An overview of the digital imaging workflow will be presented, with emphasis on image processing. Students must have basic computer literacy

Course Outcomes (COs):

After completing the course, learners should be able to:

  1. Understand the tools of image production for different media
  2. Build skill of applying different software
  3. Apply color correction, layer and such other possible options in image editing
  4. Work with 3D image production
  5. Produce final and ready to be used image output

CO – PO Mapping:

CO1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1
CO2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 2
CO3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2
CO4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3
CO5 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3

Text Books / References


  1. Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book (2021 release) Paperback – by Conrad Chavez (Author), Andrew Faulkner
  2. Photoshop CC in Simple Steps Paperback – by DT Editorial Services
  3. Evening, (2018). Photoshop CC for dummies (2nd ed.). Wiley.
  4. Eckert, (2019). Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a book (2019 release). Adobe Press.
  5. Andrews, (2017). Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 Classroom in a book. Adobe Press.
  6. Walters, , & Parsons, J. (2018). The Adobe Photoshop CC Book for Digital Photographers (2018 release). New Riders.
  7. Smith, (2017). Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC Classroom in a book (2019 release). Adobe Press.

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