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Course Detail

Course Name 2D Animation Practice
Course Code 24VMC186
Program 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


Unit 1

Introduction to 2D Animation: 

  • Basics of 2D Animation: Overview, history, and principles of animation
  • Introduction to Adobe Animate: Interface, tools, and workspace customization 
  •  Basic Drawing and Animation Tools: Drawing, shapes, colors, and layers
  • Creating Simple Animations: Keyframes, timelines, and frame-by-frame animation
  • Project: Create a simple bouncing ball animation
  • Lab Work: Hands-on exercises in basic drawing and animation techniques using Adobe Animate
Unit 2

Character Animation: 

  • Character Design and Development: Designing characters and creating model sheets
  • Animating Basic Movements: Walk cycles, run cycles, and simple actions
  • Facial Expressions and Lip Sync: Techniques for animating facial expressions and lip syncing 
  • Secondary Actions and Overlapping Motion: Adding realism to animations
  • Project: Create a character animation involving basic movements and expressions
  • Lab Work: Practical sessions on character design and animation
Unit 3

Motion Graphics and Effects: 

  • Motion Tweens and Shape Tweens: Creating smooth transitions and transformations
  • Using Masks and Layers: Techniques for creating complex animations with masks
  • Special Effects: Adding effects like blurs, glows, and shadows
  • Animating Text and Graphics: Techniques for animating text and graphic elements
  • Project: Develop a motion graphic animation with text and effects
  • Lab Work: Hands-on exercises on motion tweens, shape tweens, and special effects
Unit 4

Advanced Animation Techniques: 

  • Advanced Character Animation: Complex movements, timing, and easing
  • Camera Movements and Scene Transitions: Techniques for camera movements and smooth transitions 
  • Storyboarding and Animatics: Planning and visualizing animations
  • Animating Backgrounds: Creating and animating backgrounds to complement character actions 
  • Project: Create an animated scene incorporating advanced animation techniques
  • Lab Work: Practical sessions on advanced animation techniques and animatics
Unit 5

Final Project and Portfolio Development: 

  • Project Planning and Development: Concept development, storyboarding, and animatics for the final project 
  • Animation Production: Producing the final animation project using learned techniques
  • Editing and Refinement: Polishing the animation, adding final touches, and ensuring coherence 
  • Portfolio Presentation: Compiling and presenting a professional animation portfolio
  • Final Project: Create a comprehensive animation project showcasing all learned techniques 
  • Lab Work: Final project development, testing, and peer review sessions

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective: 

This course provides an in-depth exploration of 2D animation using Adobe Animate. Students will learn essential animation principles and techniques, from basic to advanced levels. The course covers character animation, motion graphics, and various animation effects, enabling students to create professional-quality 2D animations. Through practical projects and hands-on exercises, students will develop a strong foundation in 2D animation.

Course Outcomes (COs): 

After completing the course, learners should be able to: 

  1. Understand the fundamental principles of 2D animation and their application. 2. Create character animations with realistic movements and expressions. 3. Develop motion graphics and special effects for animations. 
  2. Apply advanced animation techniques to produce complex animations. 5. Compile and present a professional animation portfolio.

CO – PO Mapping: 























Text Books / References

  1. “Adobe Animate Classroom in a Book (2021 Release)” by Russell Chun
  2. “The Animator’s Survival Kit” by Richard Williams 
  3. “Character Animation Crash Course!” by Eric Goldberg 
  4. “Adobe Animate CC Classroom in a Book (2020 release)” by Russell Chun 
  5. “Animation from Pencils to Pixels: Classical Techniques for the Digital Animator” by Tony White 
  6. “Creating Characters with Personality” by Tom Bancroft 
  7. “Flash + After Effects: Add Broadcast Features to Your Flash Designs” by Chris Jackson

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