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Blockchain – Research Interest Group (B-RIG)

To create a vibrant community for development of socio-economic applications using Blockchain Technology.

B-RIG (Blockchain Research Interest Group) is a community which provides an excellent platform for individuals with a common interest in learning Blockchain Technology. B-RIG mainly focuses on Blockchain OSINT & Forensics, DApps Development, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Smart Contract Security, and Metaverse. Through this initiative we organize events, workshops, hackathons, and training programs to educate members and the public about its potential benefits. The team also works on collaborative projects that effectively address the pressing issues in our society.

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One-stop cyber locale to compliment an individual’s digital health and a progressively safer space. 

An Editorial run by Cyber awareness-inclined enthusiasts and a technical team of upcoming talented students. The team aims to put out content that is cyber stewarding and easy to grasp for the general public, according to modern developments and outlet formats. Cyber Reach plans to expand and demystify the ‘technical stuff’ that has happened in the past and is happening in the present.

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Kerala Blockchain Academy Innovation Club (KBAIC)

Kerala Blockchain Academy Innovation Club (KBAIC) provides an opportunity to work closely with experts and experiment with the latest advancements through conferences, technical certification courses, and training programs from KBA under the Kerala Digital University. This aims to help students build their careers in the disruptive world of blockchain with assistance.

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Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS)

To provide a gender-diverse space to explore the world of Cyber Security by engaging through mentoring, conferences, and cine analysis. Aspire women in the STEM fields to lean more towards the security aspects of the present right from their undergraduate stories.

WiCyS Amrita Student Chapter is a part of the international organization WiCyS (Women in Cybersecurity), based in the United States. This student chapter is affiliated with the TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. Here, we execute the fundamental objectives of WiCyS towards the combined benefits for all women, allies, and advocates with a strong mission to recruit, retain and advance women in Cyber Security. To collaborate, share expertise, network, amplify students’ portfolios, and enhance career goals, we attempt to unite thriving and aspiring women in STEM disciplines through WiCyS.

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