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Dr. Chaitanya Nutakki, received his Ph.D. in computational neuroscience from Amrita School of Biotechnology. His research has primarily focused on mathematical modeling of neurovascular coupling and reconstructing fMRI BOLD signals from the cerebellum and interconnected circuits. This work led to the development of a tool called BOLDsim, which is part of the Human Brain Project. Additionally, Dr. Nutakki is actively engaged in a DST-funded project, where he contributes to the design and development of a low-cost wearable device for analyzing human gait. Also, worked in EU-funded WeNet project will develop the technology to empower deeper social interactions through diversity-aware AI.  

Area of Interest 

  • Mathematical modeling of neurovascular coupling and fMRI BOLD reconstructions in cerebellar circuits 
  • Human gait analysis 
  • Study on activities of daily life for better cognitive health 
  • Brain Machine interfaces  
  • Artificial Intelligence 



  • Meegahapola, L., Droz, W., Kun, P., De Götzen, A., Chaitanya NutakkiDiwakar, S., Correa, S. R., et al. (2023). Generalization and Personalization of Mobile Sensing-Based Mood Inference Models.Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 6(4), 176.ACM PUB27 New York, NY, USA. Retrieved June 9, 2023 from 
  • Chaitanya Nutakki, Radhakrishna S, Nair B, Diwakar S. Modeling fMRI BOLD signals and temporal mismatches in the cerebellar cortex, CSI Transactions on ICT, 2019, Springer Nature. 
  •  Rajendran AG, Chaitanya Nutakki, Sasidharakurup H, Bodda S, Nair B, Diwakar S (2017) Cerebellum in Neurological Disorders: A Review on the Role of Inter-Connected Neural Circuits. J Neurol Stroke 6(2): 00196. DOI: 10.15406/jnsk.2017.06.00196. 
  • Vijayan A, Chaitanya Nutakki, Kumar D, Achuthan K, Nair B, Diwakar S. Enabling a Freely Accessible Open Source Remotely Controlled Robotic Articulator with a Neuro-Inspired Control Algorithm, International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), pp: 61-75, vol 13, no 1, Jan, 2017, ISSN: 1861-2121 

Scopus Indexed Peer – Reviewed Conferences Papers 

  • Chaitanya Nutakki, Balachandran, A., Kuchimanchi, A., Maddineni, V., Reddy, M., Avugaddi, G., & Diwakar, S. (2023). Towards Better Gait Predictions: Sensor-Based Detection of Flexion and Extension of Human Lower Limb Joints During Walking, 254–262. Springer, Cham. Retrieved July 18, 2023, from Chaitanya Nutakki, Varsha Nair, Nima A Sujitha, Bhavita Kolagani, Indulekha P Kailasan, Anil Gopika and Shyam Diwakar, “Sensor-Based Analysis of Gait and Assessment of Impacts of Backpack Load on Walking, in Proceedings of second International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA 2020),  
  • Chaitanya Nutakki, Reuben Jacob Mathew, Amritha Suresh, Anjitha R Vijay, Swetha Krishna, Anandu S Babu and Shyam Diwakar, Classification and Kinetic Analysis of Healthy Gait using Multiple Accelerometer Sensors, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’19), Trivandrum, Kerala, India, Dec 18-21, 2019. 
  • Sreedev Radhakrishnan, Chaitanya Nutakki, Shyam Diwakar, Mathematical Modeling of fMRI BOLD responses related Nitric Oxide Production-Consumption and in the Cerebellum Granule Layer, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’19), Trivandrum, Kerala, India, Dec 18-21, 2019. 
  • Sagar S Babu, Chaitanya Nutakki and Shyam Diwakar, Classification of Human Gait: Swing and Stance Phases using Sum-Vector Analysis, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’19), Trivandrum, Kerala, India, Dec 18-21, 2019. 
  • Chaitanya Nutakki, Edakkepravan H., Gunasekaran S., Ramachandran L. P., Sasi V., Nair B., Diwakar S., Torque Analysis of Male-Female Gait and Identification using Machine Learning, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2018), Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Sept 19-22, 2018 
  • Balachandran A., Chaitanya Nutakki, Bodda S., Nair B., Diwakar S., Experimental Recording and Assessing Gait Phases Using Mobile Phone Sensors and EEG, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2018), Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Sept 19-22, 2018. 
  • Sasidharakurup H., Chaitanya Nutakki, Rajendran A., Venugopal P., Sumon M., Navaneethkumar L., Madhu H, Nair B., Diwakar S., Spectral Correlations in Speaker-Listener Behavior During a Focused Duo Conversation using EEG, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2018), Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Sept 19-22, 2018 
  • Radhakrishnan S., Chaitanya Nutakki, Nair B., Diwakar S., Modeling Nitric Oxide Induced Neural Activity and Neurovascular Coupling in a Cerebellum Circuit, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2018), Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Sept 19-22, 2018. 
  • Chaitanya Nutakki, Jyothisree Narayanan, Aswathy Anitha Anchuthengil, Bipin Nair, Shyam Diwakar, Classifying Gait Features for Stance and Swing Using Machine Learning, 6th International Conference in Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-17) 
  • Shyam Diwakar, Chaitanya Nutakki, Sandeep Bodda, Arathi Rajendran, Asha Vijayan and Bipin Nair, Mathematical Modeling of Cerebellar Granular Layer Neurons and Network Activity: Information Estimation, Population Behaviour and Robotic Abstractions.(Springer Book Chapter). 
  • Chaitanya Nutakki, Vijayan A, Sasidharakurup H, Nair B, Achuthan K, Diwakar S. , Low-Cost Robotic Articulator as an Online Education tool: Design, Deployment and Usage, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala, Dec 18-20, 2016. 
  • Chaitanya Nutakki, Nair A, Medini C, Nair M, Nair B, Diwakar S. Computational Reconstruction of fMRI-BOLD from Neural Activity, Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016), Jaipur, India, Sept 21-24,2016 

Book chapter 

  • Chaitanya Nutakki, Bodda S, Diwakar S. Correlations of gait phase kinematics and cortical EEG: Modeling human gait with data from sensors. Intech Book chapter accepted 2020. 
  • Diwakar S, Chaitanya Nutakki, Bodda S, Rajendran A, Vijayan A, Nair B. Mathematical Modeling of Cerebellar Granular Layer Neurons and Network Activity: Information Estimation, Population Behaviour and Robotic Abstractions, Mathematical and Theoretical Neuroscience -Cell, Network and Data Analysis, in Naldi G, Nieus T (Eds), Springer INdAM series, vol. 24, 2017, 10.1007/978-3-319-68297-6 
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