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Lab Alumni

  • Chitra Asok

  • Mithula P.

  • Sumana Sathar

  • Karthika Rajan

  • Rahul Sreekumar

  • Somja S.

  • Rakhi A. R.

  • Vijila Vijayan

  • Remya Krishnan

  • Akhila Shekar

  • Gopika S.

  • Ms. Bhavya Ottappurakkal

  • Dr. Krishna Chaitanya

  • Ms. Priya Chellaiah

  • Mr. Anandhu Presannan

  • Mr. Joshi A.

PhD Graduands

  • Harilal P.

  • Krishna Chaitanya

  • Hemalatha

Past Students


M. Sc. Bioinformatics

Sreedev R Modeling Neurovascular Coupling in the Cerebellar Cortex
Anandhu Presannan Mathematical Modeling of the Deep Cerebellar Nucleus
Abhijith B Experimental Recording and Assessment of Human Gait for Movement Classification using a Low-cost Approach



Liya Edison

MayaKrishnan KS

Experimental Recording and Computational Analysis of EEG signals for a Squeeze Task: Assessments and Impacts for Applications
Neenu P Ramchandran

R Rajasree

Design and Implementation of an Open-source Browser-based Laboratory Platform for EEG Data Analysis

B. Sc. Biotechnology

1. Malavika Pradeep
2. Maanasa Bhaskar
3. Evelin Pradeep
4. Sruthi Kadavath
5. Anu Priya
Modeling of Alzheimer’s disease  using Biochemical Systems Theory

M. Sc. Bioinformatics

Anuja T Understanding the Modulatory Role of Dopamine in Basal Ganglia Circuit
Sruthy S Ranked Feature Selection of EEG Data for Motor Imagery Movement Tasks
Jyothisree N Experimental Gait Data Recording and Understanding Swing and Stance Phase Using Machine Learning
Aswathy AA Measuring Gait Data and Feature Identification for Stance and Swing Phase Using Machine Learning
Nishamol G N Computational Modelling of Single Neurons and Basal Ganglia Microcircuit using Spiking Neuron Model
Radhika KP Modelling and REconstruction of LFP For Granular Layer Using a Neural Mass Model
Vivek G S Comparing Cerebellum – Based Control of Robotic Kinematics
Vinayak Sankar K S Computational Modelling of Cerebellum Granular Layer Local Field Potential Using Spiking Neuron Models


M. Sc. Biotechnology

Joshy Alphonse Developing an Open-Source Web based Spiking Neuron and Network Simulator for Modelling Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Cortical and Cerebellar Circuits


Krishnapriya U Multi-Compartmental Modelling of BIological Neurons on GPGPU
Akshya P S

Athira Ramakrishnan

Information Theoretic Visualization of Spiking Neural Networks

B. Sc. Biotechnology

Pyaree Mohan Das BIochemical Systems Theory (BST) In Parkinson’s Disease



M. Sc. Bioinformatics

Clinton M U Biochemical System Theory of Alpha-Synuclein in the Central Nervous System
Harikrishnan C Identifying Movement Patterns for Brain Machine Interfaces
Rahul D Lal Neural Mass Model of Cerebellum Granular Layer
Aishwarya J Reconstruction of Cerebellum Granule Neuron Responses to Auditory and Visual Inputs


Anjitha T K
Surya T K
Computational Modelling of Spiking Basal Ganglia Microcircuit
Ahalya A R FMRI Bold from Neural Spiking Activity

B Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

Durga S

Susmitha V

Hopfield Network for Bonding and Self Attachment of Indian Student Perspectives

Bachelor of Technology (Branch : Biotechnology)

Vivekadharshini P (PSG College of Technology) Studying Cerebellar Circuit Function by Reconstructing Local Field Potentials (LFPs)


Anjana S

Bhagyalakshmi Muralidharan

Modelling Pattern Abstraction in Cerebellum and Estimation of Optimal Storage Capacity
Lekshmi Priya R

Ritu Maria Zacharia

Spike Encoding for Pattern Recognition: Comparing Cerebellum GRanular Layer Encoding and BSA Algorithms

M. Tech. VLSI Design

Deepthi Rajamohanan VLSI Implementation of Spiking CMAC

M. Sc. Physics

Aadityan S Developing and Implementing Neuronal Biophysics and Network Dynamics via an Open Source Browser based Simulator

B. Sc. Computer Science

Nithin P Varghese Tool for Visualization of brain activity

MTech Cyber Security

Priya C Theme Interception Sequence Learning: Deflecting Rubber-Hose Attacks Using Implicit Learning

M. Sc. Bioinformatics

Aswathy Mary Paul Using Mutual Information to Estimate Granular Neuron Information Processing
Arathi GR Estimation of Mutual Information at Mossy Fiber-Granule cell Relay

M. Sc. Computer Science

Midhula Chandran (IIITMK) Quantifying Cerebellar Mossy Fiber-Granule Cell Synaptic Variability Using Maximum Entropy Methods

B. Tech. CSE

Structure-Function based Automated Document Analysis System in Neuroinformatics Manu M R

Rohit Joseph Sebastian

Unnikrishnan S

Vishnu S Menon



M. Sc. Bioinformatics

Ambujam Krishnan Implication of Line Source approximation in granular layer population Code: Modeling and Validations
Priya H Reconstructing current source density maps in cerebellar granule layer and the role of LFP’s
Nishitha K Parallelization of detailed 3D network model of Cerebellar Granular Layer
Mithun Haridas Parallelization of Biophysically detailed cerebellar Granular layer model

B. Tech. ECE

Bio-inspired robotics and cerebellar design of articulation control Karthik Ainala

AGK Swaroop

N Sanjay Narayan

Extending study of ferromagnetic material via dynamic magnetic hysteresis modeling and remote-triggered hardware. Devidayal Soman

Jessin PA

Sreenath PS

Srikanth S

Cerebellum Inspired Neural Pattern Classifier Jince Thomas

Praveen M

Simone Cherry

Vishnu Premkumar

B. Tech. Biotechnology

Jaiashre S (PSG College of Technology) Modeling of Synaptic and Non-Synaptic Effects on Cerebellar Microcircuits

M. Sc. Bioinformatics

Priyanka Mandan Generalization of Large Scale Neuronal Model via a Hybrid of Simple Spiking Neurons and Look-up-Tables
Deepak Ranjan Sethi

Afila Yoosef

Parallelizing an Event based neural Microcircuit Model
Sreelakshmi E S Simple Spiking Neuron Simulator
Kiri Amitkumar Modeling parallel Fibres in Cerebellar Granule Cell Neuron

B. Tech. ECE

Automating object slam for bio-inspired autonomous robotic systems Devan PS

Gosh UG

Manish MP

SLAM Algorithm for Motor Articulation in Bio-inspired Cybernetic Systems Kiran Jayaraj

Sharath Mohan


M. Sc. Bioinformatics

Sathyaa S Synaptic Inhibition and Granular Layer Network
Nimshitha PA Quantifying Information flow in single neuron and its impact on LFP Waveform
Priyanka James Information Processing in Granule Cell
Harilal P Visualizing cerebellar Granular layer plasticity
Krishna Chaitanya Modeling input stage of the cerebellum


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