Centre for Internet Studies and Artificial Intelligence – CISAI is an R&D center that performs interdisciplinary research & studies on Internet, AI and related technologies and its impact on the society. At present the Internet is the backbone of Businesses, Communication, Politics, Economies, Media, Entertainment etc. There is almost no area of life or activities that is not connected to or powered by Internet. Despite Internet’s phenomenal growth, very little is understood about the Internet, its impact
on the society coupled with meteoritic rise of Artificial Intelligence, which is becoming integral part of our digital lives. Rapid digitization and digital transformation completely changed the way we do Financial transactions, Learning, Healthcare, Stock markets, Trade, Retails among others. Internet is the common thread amongst all these areas.
CISAI strives collaborate with Researchers, Academicians, Policy makers, Students, Scientists, Programmers, Inventors, to study the Internet, it’s related digital technologies and its impact. CISAI also plans to conduct Seminars, Talks, Discussions, Conferences, workshops, Training on the Topics of Internet and Artificial Intelligence.
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