A Lab-on-a-chip for Simultaneous Detection of Glucose, Cholesterol and Creatinine
A lab-on-a-chip device for the detection of cholesterol, creatinine, and glucose was successfully fabricated and tested. A three-stage fabrication process was developed for bonding the electrodes with the PDMS microfluidic channels. Sensors for cholesterol, glucose, and creatinine were integrated with microfluidic channels. Molecules such as ascorbic acid, urea, uric acid, and dopamine had negligible interference on detection of cholesterol, creatinine, and glucose. The sensors were also found to be free from cross interference. Physiological glucose, creatinine, and cholesterol concentrations were successfully measured in the LOC device. The LOC was integrated with the indigenously developed electronic meter and the integrated POCT device was tested successfully. The results obtained were successfully transferred to a smartphone using Bluetooth.