Wind resource modeling and analysis
Wind regime models are developed and used for resource assessment, performance evaluation and generation forecast. Micrositing for windf arms based on generation and wake loss is also carried out.
Wind Turbine Generator modeling
WTG models are developed and used for studies related to grid code parity, generation control and performance analysis. Hardware emulators of WTG are also developed and used in such studies. Dynamic performance analysis of different typ es of WTG is also done.
Grid integration of wind and solar power
Grid-tying of SCIG, DFIG, PMG and SPV is studied using both software models and hardware emulators. MPPTs and power converters of various topologies have been developed.
Active power control in wind and solar energy conversion
Generation control on WTG schemes and SPV systems by power electronic contr ollers has been studied.
Energy storage and Fuel Cell
Hydrogen energy storage for solar and wind energy systems and recovery using fuel cell have been studied.