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Amrita School Of Spiritual and Cultural Studies proudly presents AMRITA LEAP a first-of-a-kind top tier training programme themed Education for Life, with workshop sessions for students all over the nation, as a part of the university’s outreach programming of activities.

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Amrita LEAP, outreach arm of Amrita School of Spiritual and Cultural Studies, owe with the vision of our renowned Chancellor Shri. Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, “Education should spread light within and without, instill awareness and strengthen the deep bond between the student and his nation, the world, his fellow human beings and other creatures, Nature and God.”

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The Idea of Complete Education

Amma says that – “the idea of complete education is devised through the five goals below.

  1. To identify mental strength- the skills and maturity to control our thoughts and emotions are as vital as physical health.
  2. The training aims to carry out one’s obligation to repay their parents, family, society moreover Mother Nature, who has compassionately blessed us with food, shelter, sunshine, rain, the hills, forests, rivers, trees and fruits etc.
  3. Inspire the children to have love, respect and gratitude for God and Mother Nature, and generate a drive to engage in selfless service activities.
  4. To awaken inner self-consciousness and realize “I am not a separate entity. Rather, I am a part of this universe. Just as the water in the waves reaching the shores and the water in the middle of the ocean is the same, I am one with the whole of creation.”
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Amrita LEAP programs aims to fill the gap in current education system by providing life education to students across India via.

  1. Online/Offline training workshops
  2. Post workshop online support for the participants
  3. Special sessions for Parents and Teachers

Amma on Education

“Studying is a process, like the bud unfolding into the beautiful fragrance spreading flower. Understanding this, we should approach our topic of study with love and patience. Knowledge is like a river, its nature is to constantly flow wherever it can flow and it does so, nourishing the culture. On the other hand, the same knowledge, if devoid of values becomes a source of destruction for the world. When values and knowledge become one, there can be no more powerful instrument for the welfare of humankind. There are two types of education: education for living and education for life. When we study in college, striving to become a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer, that is education for living. But education for life requires a deeper understanding of the world, our minds, our emotions and ourselves. Amrita University provides education for life which is much more than education just for living”

C3 Workshops

Web Page detailed Description
Age Group Title Brief Description Program Outcome Duration
6 to 9yrs. Let’s Work Together: Team Building activity / Morale Boosting Do you know that team building activity is adopted as a recognized method towards building oneself
in creativity, communication, and leadership? Yes, it is…
Team building activity is a fun-oriented session where one can sense the joy of being in group-based
activity and learn and earn from each other. E.g.: group games, discussions, debates, games, role
play, and so on. We are springing up with such a fantastic workshop for entertaining and educating
our little charms i.e., “Learn with fun.”
  • Team building helps in imbibing team spirit and collaboration.
  • Gathers the unity to identify each other’s strengths, share and care of ideas.
  • Enhance empathy and feeling of togetherness.
1 hour
6 to 9yrs Know our Hero: Patriotism ‘The simpler the story is, the more likely it is to stick.’ Stories influence us a lot rather than a
prime lecture-based classroom. Don’t we still miss the good old story days? Let us gather an
opportunity for our little charms to learn from the stories of men and women heroes of our land and
bud the feeling of patriotism.
  • The workshop enhances the feeling of patriotism.
  • Binds them through fascinating stories of men and women heroes of our land
  • Buds the essence of Indian culture.
1 hour
6 to 9yrs Protect yourself rules: Safe touch & Unsafe touch It may be doubtful for our little charms to categorize the difference between a good and bad touch.
Can you identify the difference?……. Yes, you can! But not your children!!!
The program aims to provide awareness of knowing good and bad touches and building social awareness
through a well-oriented and entertained session [games, stories, and so on.].
  • The workshop creates a general awareness in identifying the evil touch [bad touch], through
    pictorial and story-based session.
  • Creates social awareness by addressing various child issues of their age for e.g., child
    abuse, child trafficking etc.,
1 ¼ hour
6 to 9yrs Act to Bullying “Bullying is not fun, sometimes it could value a life.” Let’s empower our kids to face or overcome a
situation of bullying or from being a bully. The session focuses on educating and enriching them
through entertaining activities and video-based sessions on the cause, effects, and ways to help
  • Fight against bullying
  • Prevent themselves from being bullied.
  • Helping them with precautionary measures from becoming a bully.
1 hour
6 to 9yrs How to be Social Do you know the ten signs of being an introvert? We are introducing a workshop for our kids: not
only to eradicate solitude but also to strengthen cognitive skills, sharpen memory, and social
skills, building confidence and courage to be part of society through a well-oriented session with
inducing discussions, activities, games, and much more.
  • The workshop aids in enriching social skills.
  • Enhance confidence building.
  • Empower in identifying healthy modes of communication.
1 hour
6 to 9yrs Values in life Are values getting degenerated in our society? Most of the problems around us are the consequences
of a degenerative value system.
This session inspires our children through the living examples of common men who have dedicated
their whole lives to upholding certain ideals, such as honesty and service to society. With highly
motivating videos, undoubtedly, this session will drive them to pursue a life with ideals.
  • Enhance them to drive life with values and ideals,
  • Helps in imprinting themselves on developing prosocial behaviors.
1 ½ hour
10 to 13yrs Gadget Threats Gadgets play a pivotal role in the lives of children. How could your kids identify whether the
gadgets are safe or not?……. What should be taken care of?
This session will be an eye-opener towards the magical world of gadgets, including the threats, safe
and unsafe usages, etc.
  • The workshop creates awareness about the advantages and disadvantages of using various
  • Identifying the hidden threats.
  • Precautionary measures, and what we can do to deal with the threats.
  • Aims to enhance the safety of using gadgets by knowing the warning signs.
1 hour
10 to 13yrs Say No to drugs: Say yes to life Do you know that, as per a recent study, 75% of the youngsters in India are consuming alcohol before
attaining the age of 21years? Being confined or dependent on drugs is considered normal in average
teenagers when being with peers or being addressed with any sort of distress or sadness. How to
transpose this thought?…….. How to save our children from this trap?
The session addresses a well-oriented entertaining activity-based class to enhance awareness of the
various drugs, effects, and the ways to help yourselves from them…
  • The workshop aims to create awareness.
  • Enhancing awareness on various helplines to approach in assurance to be safe.
  • Equip with preventive measures to help themselves and others from relieving the menace
    caused in the future.
1 ½ hour
10 to 13yrs Values in life Are values getting degenerated in our society? Most of the problems around us are the consequences
of a degenerative value system. This session inspires our children with living examples from their
neighborhood who have lived their whole life for certain values like service to the society,
honesty, etc. With highly motivating videos, undoubtedly, this session will drive them to pursue a
life with ideals.
  • Equip them to drive life with values and ideals,
  • Imprinting themselves on developing prosocial behaviors.
1 ½ hour
10 to 13yrs My India Oh, what a wonderful land we have been born into! But unfortunately, most Indians are ignorant of
her contributions to the world. This session brings to light the contributions of our motherland in
all fields of science, technology, literature, education, arts, etc. They will surely get goosebumps
out of excitement and love their country with all their hearts, at least after attending this
  • To enhance and enrich their knowledge about India and India’s contribution to various fileds
    of science and technology.
  • Create a sense of patriotism.
1 hour
10 to 13yrs Cyber Threats Can you believe India is registering about 136 known cyber cases per day? Why is such an increase in
cyber cases in India, related to children mostly teenagers? We are introducing an eye-opener
workshop to enhance awareness of various cyber threats, live-in example demonstrations, precautions,
and the ways to help themselves out from these scams. The live-in examples could provide a positive
impact through which they could protect themselves from these clutches.
  • Aims to enhance awareness of the cyber world, generating a precautionary action.
1 ¼ hour
10 to 13yrs Life Skill Games Isn’t it interesting to play games? If games have values, then it would be more entertaining as
well…We are bringing up a varied mode to inlay to the roots the importance of life skills by
building the values with the attractive game-oriented session.
  • Enhance various life skills and implant value-based education
  • Help to easily identify each skill and mode of implementation and its importance in adapting
    towards hurdles of their life.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs C Cube Have you ever faced failures in your life? Yes, it happens, but we don’t want it to carry throughout
our life. Let’s focus on the 3C’s of life that could grant success to our children.
We introduce our unique action-packed program encompassing the 3C’s -Communication, Creativity and
Courage [C Cube]. The program will emphasize creative learning through interactive, hands-on
practical activities, lively game-oriented sessions, discussions, refreshing group-based activities,
and a spirited enthusiastic combination of live-in-person lectures and videos to boost students’
confidence in communication, cooperation and collaboration skills, enhance creativity and courage.
Additionally, it is a platform that blends the value of cultural education, i.e., education for
  • Enhance communication, creativity, and courage
  • Helps in the enhancement of their ability to confront different situations in life.
3 hour
14 to 17yrs Act to bullying “Bullying is not fun; sometimes it could value a life.” Yes, it is! Bullying has a long-term mental
effect, which could even shatter a life.
Through the session, we focus on educating and enriching our teens on the ways bullying could affect
them, how to prevent from being a bully and how they could help others from being a bully or being a
victim of a bully.
  • Helps to address issues of bullying, psychological, physical, and social aspects
  • Empower to fight against bullying and prevent themselves from being a bully.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Glory of India Oh, what a wonderful land we have been born into! But unfortunately, most Indians are ignorant of
her contributions to the world. This session brings to light the contributions of our motherland in
all fields of science, technology, literature, education, arts, and so on. They will get goosebumps
out of excitement and love their country with all their hearts, at least after attending this
  • To enhance and enrich their knowledge about India and Indian culture.
  • Create a sense of patriotism as well.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Values in Life Are values getting degenerated in our society? Most of the problems around us are the consequences
of a degenerative value system. This session inspires our teens with living examples from their
neighborhood who have lived their whole life for certain values like service to the society,
honesty, etc. With highly motivating videos, undoubtedly, this session will drive them to pursue a
life with ideals.
  • Enhance them to drive life with values and ideals
  • Imprinting themselves on developing prosocial behaviors.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Drug abuse: Be smart don’t start Do you know that 65% of 18year old and below teenagers are endorsed as lifetime alcohol users? Being
confined or dependent on drugs is considered normal in average teenagers when being with peers or
being addressed with any sort of distress or sadness. How to transpose this thought?…….. How to
save our children from this trap?
The session addresses a well-oriented entertaining activity-based class to enhance awareness of the
various drugs, effects, and the ways to help yourselves from them…
  • Creating social awareness
  • Enhancing preventive measures and empowering them in helping others from relieving the
    menace caused in the future.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs SWOT/SWOC analysis As, Riche Norton said, ‘SWOT is cool, but strategic thinkers knows that there is a point which:
strength becomes weaknesses, weaknesses become strength-opportunities becomes threats-threats
becomes opportunities, strategic entrepreneurs and leaders find the greatest insights hiding behind
It may be confusing to look upon a muddy stream, but calmness could make the water crystal clear so
that we could specify our vision underneath exploring the beauty. We propose to offer the same in
the lives of our children, polishing them to clarity in identifying themselves through a
well-oriented, guided, and entertaining session.
  • The workshop helps to improve problem-solving skills.
  • Helps in identifying their potential skills, weakness, opportunities, and threats.
1 ½ hour
14 to 17yrs Manage Your Mind “Mind is a beautiful servant, but a dangerous master”, as Buddha said mind is the dangerous master
that can control us and guide us to the extremity. Even science originated from the power of the
mind. We aim to guide children through our workshop to enhance their focus of mind, improving
concentration through memory-oriented games, meditation, yoga, and managing habits.
  • The program enhances the ability to manage thoughts, and habits.
  • Improves concentration, enriching their positive thoughts.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Pancha Maha yajna Do you know the five yajna’s every man should adopt in upbringing himself or herself as a
responsible personality towards himself and the society? Yes, it is the Pancha Maha yajna stated in
Vedas. We adopt it to grab the inner essence of these to help our children as responsive social
  • The workshop enhances them to be responsible human beings in identifying themselves and in
    becoming responsible human beings towards society.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Lessons From Nature Have you heard of the quote, “Nature will teach you many things if we visit her classroom”, nature
itself is the biggest teacher in guiding us to a better living? We offer a workshop to grab the
attention of our children through lessons on nature thereby enhancing their knowledge and also
enriching their thought about nature protection.
  • The workshop helps them to enhance knowledge from the lessons from nature
  • Enrichment of thought towards loving, leaning and protecting nature rather than destroying
1 hour
14 to 17yrs [Only Girls] Healthy Interpersonal Relationship in life Are all relations healthy? Isn’t it important for our young girls to know what a healthy
relationship is? What should they be careful of when addressing relationships of any kind? How to
set boundaries? And so on… When being in relation it may be hard to determine on it is healthy or
unhealthy. The program focuses on innovative discussions, activity-oriented sessions, self-analysis,
general awareness and thereby enhance their courage towards facing society.
  • The workshop focuses on generating awareness among teenage girls in addressing various
  • Enhancing social awareness,
  • Generating awareness on precautionary methods.
  • Empowering in developing boundaries
  • Enriching their courage towards facing society.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs [Only girls] Self defense What could be the first stage of women empowerment? It might be hard for our young girls to protect
themselves when confronting a sudden attack or disgusting behavior by someone or a group. Our
program aims to empower and enrich our young girls to face such situations through various
self-defensive techniques.
The well-trained professionals offer and train them with various self-defensive methods to be
applied during different situations.
  • The workshop enhances the girl’s courage and strength to face misbehaviors or atrocities in
    life, making them well prepared with defensive techniques.
1 ½ hour
14 to 17yrs [Only girls] Cyber security for women Why do women require a special awareness or a session to be addressed with?
The reason is that women are identified as one of the vulnerable groups confronted with cyber
issues, often from age 12 to 18 but occasionally beyond this age too. The program aims to enhance
awareness of various cyber threats, live-in example demonstrations, precautions, and the ways to
help themselves out from these scams. The live-in examples could provide a positive impact through
which they could protect themselves from these clutches.
  • Aims to enhance awareness of the cyber world, generating a precautionary action.
1 hour

Creativity isn’t only for artists and sculptors, it is an important life skill for people of all ages and professions. To persevere in the midst of a crisis and stress in this dynamic era and emerge stronger, one must have the ingenuity to figure out a path out and the patience to stick with it. Children learning creativity tend to grow less pessimistic and more optimistic as they realize that they have the creative power to tackle different situations on their own rather than just following instructions. C3 shall focus on imparting creative skills, including idea-generation, imagination and openness to appreciate others ideas.


At its most basic level, communication is the act of transmitting information from one source to another. However, being able to express information clearly, and as intended is a necessary life skill. C3 aims at embellishing the students’ personal and professional communication skills, and will enable them to communicate effectively with a wide range of people while demonstrating a diverse vocabulary, customizing the language as per audience, responding effectively, conveying ideas appropriately, writing with clarity and working well in a group.


Courage is not the absence of fear. Courageous individuals experience fear, but they can control and conquer it such that it does not prevent them from taking action. Students frequently experience anxiety of public speaking, self-doubt, fear of failure and many more. Taking risks and moving outside of one’s comfort zone might be intimidating at first, but having trust in oneself, and the hope that things will work out is a big part of growing bravery. Receiving training in these life skills may assist one in overcoming their weaknesses, ensuring that they behave boldly and are not overpowered by their worries.

Leap Programs

Age Group Title Brief Description Program Outcome Duration
6 to 9yrs. Let’s Work Together: Team Building activity / Morale Boosting Do you know that team building activity is adopted as a recognized method towards building oneself in creativity, communication, and leadership? Yes, it is… Team building is a fun-oriented session where one can sense the joy of being in group-based activity and learn and earn from each other. E.g.: group games, discussions, debates, games, role play, and so on. We are springing up with a fantastic workshop for entertaining and educating our little charms i.e., “Learn with fun.”
  • Team building helps in imbibing team spirit and collaboration.
  • Gathers the unity to identify each other’s strengths and share and care of ideas.
  • Enhance empathy and feeling of togetherness.
1 hour
6 to 9yrs Know our Hero: Patriotism ‘The simpler the story is, the more likely it is to stick.’ Stories influence us a lot rather than a prime lecture-based classroom. Don’t we still miss the good old story days? Let us gather an opportunity for our little charms to learn from the stories of our heroes and bud the feeling of patriotism.
  • The workshop enhances the feeling of patriotism.
  • Binds them through fascinating stories and buds the essence of Indian culture.
1 hour
6 to 9yrs Protect yourself rules: Safe touch & Unsafe touch It may be doubtful for our little charms to categorize the difference between a good and bad touch. But, Can you identify the difference?……. Yes, you can! But not your children!!! The program aims to provide awareness of knowing good and bad touches and building social awareness through a well-oriented and entertained session [games, stories, and so on.].
  • Through the pictorial and story-based session, the workshop creates a general awareness amongst the little kids in identifying the evil touch [bad touch].
  • Creates social awareness by addressing various child issues of their age e.g., child abuse, child trafficking etc., and the safety measures to be adopted [child line],
  • We aimed to develop a sense of being safe.
1 ¼ hour
6 to 9yrs Act to Bullying “Bullying is not fun; sometimes it could value a life.” So Let’s empower our kids to face or overcome a situation of bullying or from being a bully. The session focuses on educating and enriching them through entertaining activities and video-based sessions on the cause, effects, and ways to help themselves.
  • The workshop aims to enable the children to fight against bullying and prevent themselves from being bullied.
1 hour
6 to 9yrs How to be Social Do you know the ten signs of being an introvert? We are introducing a workshop for our kids: not only to eradicate solitude but also to strengthen cognitive skills, sharpen memory, and social skills, building confidence and courage to be part of society through a well-oriented session with inducing discussions, activities, games, and much more.
  • The workshop aids in enriching social skills, building confidence, and identifying healthy modes of communication through interactive activity-based sessions.
1 hour
6 to 9yrs Values in life Are values getting degenerated in our society? Unfortunately, most of the problems around us are the consequences of a degenerative value system. This session inspires our children through the living examples of ordinary people who have dedicated their whole lives to upholding certain ideals, such as honesty and service to society. With highly motivating videos, undoubtedly, this session will drive them to pursue a life with ideals.
  • Enhance them to drive life with values and ideals, imprinting themselves on developing prosocial behaviors.
1 ½ hour
10 to 13yrs Gadget Threats Gadgets play a pivotal role in the lives of children. How could your kids identify whether the gadgets are safe or not?……. What should be taken care of? This session will be an eye-opener towards the magical world of gadgets, including the threats, safe and unsafe usages, etc.
  • The workshop creates awareness about the advantages and disadvantages of using various gadgets, the hidden threats, precautionary measures, and what we can do to deal with the threats.
  • Also, this will enhance the safety of using gadgets by knowing the warning signs.
1 hour
10 to 13yrs Say No to drugs: Say yes to life Do you know that, based on a recent study, 75% of the youngsters in India consume alcohol before the age of 21years? Being confined or dependent on drugs is usual in average teenagers when being with peers or being addressed with any distress or sadness. How to transpose this thought?…….. How to save our children from this trap? The session addresses a well-oriented entertaining activity-based class to enhance awareness of the various drugs, effects, and the ways to help yourselves from them…
  • The workshop aims to light upon the fact that drug abuse is a confronting social issue addressed by the youths, creating awareness and thereby preventing themselves and helping others from relieving the menace caused in the future.
1 ½ hour
10 to 13yrs Values in life Are values getting degenerated in our society? Unfortunately, most of the problems around us are the consequences of a degenerative value system. This session inspires our children with living examples from their neighborhood who have lived their whole life for specific values like service to society, honesty, etc. With highly motivating videos, undoubtedly, this session will drive them to pursue a life with ideals.
  • Enhance them to drive life with values and ideals, imprinting themselves on developing prosocial behaviors.
1 ½ hour
10 to 13yrs My India Oh, what a wonderful land we have been born into! But unfortunately, most Indians are ignorant of her contributions to the world. This session brings to light the contributions of our motherland in all fields of science, technology, literature, education, arts, etc. They will surely get goosebumps out of excitement and love their country with all their hearts, at least after attending this session.
  • To enhance and enrich their knowledge about India and Indian culture.
  • Also, to feel a sense of patriotism as well.
1 hour
10 to 13yrs Cyber Threats Can you believe India is registering about 136 known cyber cases per day? Why is such an increase in cyber cases in India, related to children, primarily teenagers? We are introducing an eye-opener workshop to enhance awareness of various cyber threats, live-in example demonstrations, precautions, and the ways to help themselves out from these scams. The live-in examples could provide a positive impact through which they could protect themselves from these clutches.
  • It aims to enhance awareness of the cyber world, generating precautionary action.
1 ¼ hour
10 to 13yrs Life Skill Games Isn’t it interesting to play games? If games have values, then they would be more entertaining as well…Hence, we are bringing up a varied mode to inlay to the roots the importance of life skills by building the values with the attractive game-oriented session.
  • The workshop aims to enhance various life skills and implant value-based education through entertaining games.
  • Help to quickly identify each skill and mode of implementation and its importance in adapting towards hurdles of their life.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs C Cube Have you ever faced failures in your life? Yes, it happens, but we don’t want it to carry throughout our life. Let’s focus on the 3C’s of life that could grant success to our children. We introduce our unique action-packed program encompassing creative learning, interactive, hands-on practical activities, lively game-oriented sessions, discussions, and stimulating group-based activities. A spirited, enthusiastic combination of live-in-person lectures and videos to boost students’ confidence in communication and cooperative and collaborative skills provides a platform to appreciate the value of cultural education, i.e., education for life.
  • The action-packed exclusive workshop focused to enhance communication, creativity, and courage through the activity-oriented session
  • Helps in the enhancement of their ability to confront different situations in life.
3 hour
14 to 17yrs Act to bullying “Bullying is not fun; sometimes it could value a life.” Yes, it is! Bullying has a long-term mental effect, which could even shatter a life. Through the session, we focus on educating and enriching our teens on the ways bullying could affect them, how to prevent from being a bully and how they could help others from being a bully or being a victim of a bully.
  • The workshop aims to address issues of bullying, psychological, physical, and social aspects through fun-oriented story-based sessions that enable the children to fight against bullying and prevent themselves from being a bully.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Glory of India Oh, what a wonderful land we have been born into! But unfortunately, most Indians are ignorant of her contributions to the world. This session brings to light the contributions of our motherland in all fields of science, technology, literature, education, arts, and so on. They will get goosebumps out of excitement and love their country with all their hearts, at least after attending this session.
  • To enhance and enrich their knowledge about India and Indian culture. Also, feel a sense of patriotism as well.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Values in Life Are values getting degenerated in our society? Most of the problems around us are the consequences of a degenerative value system. This session inspires our teens with living examples from their neighborhood who have lived their whole life for certain values like service to the society, honesty, etc. With highly motivating videos, undoubtedly, this session will drive them to pursue a life with ideals.
  • Enhance them to drive life with values and ideals, imprinting themselves on developing prosocial behaviors.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Drug abuse: Be smart don’t start Do you know that 65% of 18year old and below teenagers are endorsed as lifetime alcohol users? Being confined or dependent on drugs is usual in average teenagers when being with peers or being addressed with any distress or sadness. How to transpose this thought?…….. How to save our children from this trap? The session addresses a well-oriented entertaining activity-based class to enhance awareness of the various drugs, effects, and the ways to help yourselves from them…
  • The workshop aims to light upon the fact that drug abuse is a severe social issue addressed by the youths, creating awareness and thereby preventing themselves and helping others from relieving the menace caused in the future.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs SWOT/SWOC analysis Riche Norton said, ‘SWOT is cool, but strategic thinkers know that there is a point which: strength becomes weaknesses, weaknesses becomes strength-opportunities becomes threats-threats becomes opportunities, strategic entrepreneurs and leaders find the greatest insights hiding behind SWOT.” It may be confusing to look upon a muddy stream, but calmness could make the water crystal clear so that we could specify our vision underneath exploring the beauty. We propose to offer the same in our children’s lives, polishing them to clarity in identifying themselves through a well-oriented, guided, and entertaining session.
  • The workshop helps to improve problem-solving skills through a creative session, where one could identify their potential skills, weakness, opportunities, and threats.
1 ½ hour
14 to 17yrs Manage Your Mind “Mind is a beautiful servant, but a dangerous master”, as Buddha said mind is the dangerous master that can control us and guide us to the extremity. Even science originated from the power of the mind. We aim to guide children through our workshop to enhance their focus of mind, improving concentration through memory-oriented games, meditation, yoga, and managing habits.
  • The program enhances the ability to manage thoughts, and habits and improve concentration, enriching their positive thoughts.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Pancha Maha yajna Do you know the five yajna’s every man should adopt in upbringing himself or herself as a responsible personality towards himself and society? Yes, it is the Pancha Maha yajna stated in Vedas. So, we adopt it to grab the inner essence to help our children as responsive social beings.
  • The workshop enhances them to be responsible human beings in identifying themselves and in becoming responsive human beings towards society.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Lessons From Nature Have you heard of the quote, “Nature will teach you many things if we visit her classroom”, nature itself is the prominent teacher in guiding us to a better living? Therefore, we offer a workshop to grab our children’s attention through lessons on nature, enhancing their knowledge and enriching their thought about nature protection.
  • The workshop helps them to enhance knowledge from the lessons from nature and enrichment of thought towards protecting nature rather than destroying it.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs Blissful Living It says, “Joy and Bliss can come from the little and most unexpected things if only we program our minds to enjoy these little things”. So, where does this programming come from? Our workshop aims to build our children to lead blissful life by helping them identify their physical and mental well-being. We promote offering sessions imparting various methodology in identifying physical and mental well-being. Enhancing the students in identifying physical and mental well-being. Build our children to live blissful life.
  • Enhancing the students in identifying physical and mental well-being.
  • Build our children to live a blissful life.
1 ½ hour
14 to 17yrs Be the change Don’t we aspire to see a good change in our society? So let the change evolve with us! Let’s bind our children as a meliorate to the nation. So we bring up a video-based session enriching their values and thoughts to bring them as change, individual and responsive social beings.
  • The workshop enriches our future generation to be a change both as an individual and a responsive social beings.
1 ½ hour
14 to 17yrs My Life “Happiness is an inside job”, adapting to the theme, we offer an excellent session exhibiting the importance of identifying self-happiness and ways or tricks to sharpen this skill. We offer to impart the truth of happiness, as it’s an inside job rather than searching in the outside world or external things. Also enhancing them with management skills, self-identification, managing negative thoughts and much more.
  • Binds to sharpen the skills of mind management.
  • Improves understanding and identification of self.
  • It helps to identify and rely on inner happiness.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs [Only Girls] Healthy Interpersonal Relationship in life Are all relations healthy? Isn’t our young girls need to know what a healthy relationship is? What should they be careful of when addressing relationships of any kind? How do you set boundaries? And so on… When being in relation, it may be hard to determine on it is healthy or unhealthy. The program focuses on innovative discussions, activity-oriented sessions, self-analysis, and general awareness, enhancing their courage to face society.
  • The workshop focuses on generating awareness among teenage girls in addressing the various relationships.
  • Enhancing social awareness, precautionary methods, and developing boundaries enhance their courage towards facing society.
1 hour
14 to 17yrs [Only girls] Self defense What could be the first stage of women empowerment? It might be hard for young girls to protect themselves when confronting a sudden attack or disgusting behavior by someone or a group. Our program aims to empower and enrich our young girls to face such situations through various self-defensive techniques. The well-trained professionals offer and train them with various self-defensive methods to be applied during different situations.
  • The workshop enhances the girl’s courage and strength to face misbehaviors or atrocities in life, making them well prepared with defensive techniques.
1 ½ hour
14 to 17yrs [Only girls] Cyber security for women Why do women require a special awareness or a session to be addressed ? The reason is that women are identified as one of the vulnerable groups confronted with cyber issues, often from age 12 to 18 but occasionally beyond this age too. The program aims to enhance awareness of cyber threats, live-in example demonstrations, precautions, and ways to help themselves from these scams. The live-in examples could provide a positive impact through which they could prevent themselves from these clutches.
  • It aims to enhance awareness of the cyber world, generating precautionary action.
1 hour
Dr. Lee Hartwell

What makes Amrita students special? Western science leads to knowledge. Eastern science leads to understanding. Amrita has both Western and Eastern traditions in education.

Dr. Lee Hartwell Nobel Laureate
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has a major role to play in transforming our society into a knowledge society through its unique value-added education system.

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Former President of India

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