Education, infused with spirituality, influences all branches of learning by imparting a sense of interconnectedness and wholeness. It also stimulates students to develop better social sensitivity, a conscious connection to the cosmos, and a broad expanse of inquiry about life.
Our ancient Seers considered the material and the spiritual world not as two separate realms, but as one. Thus, Indian knowledge systems cover a vast array of topics explaining all aspects of reality for benefiting a large section of society. They are the real-world application of conceptual theories and experiential practices, which can lead one to overall success in life.
The time is ripe for a critical re-examination of the Indian knowledge systems, with a proper contextual understanding, for the world to appreciate their contribution for the welfare of all mankind. Rooted in this vision, Amrita Darshanam, International Centre for Spiritual Studies (ICSS), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, aims at achieving excellence in study and research in the domains of philosophy, culture, arts, literature, and society under the broad canopy of India Studies, through constructive reflection, examination, and dissemination of the significant influence and interpretation of such traditions with reference to a contemporary global perspective.