Organic Agriculture Activities
We never used any chemical fertilizers or pesticides”, states Dr. Aravindakshan, Director of the Amrita Center for Environmental Sciences, while narrating themiraculous transformation of Ettimadai Campus from a semi-arid region, ten years ago, to the the lush-green campus that it is, today.
In these times, when chemicals have become the order of the day, Dr. Aravind’s statement may come as a pleasant surprise to many. It is a fact that the Amrita campus proudly stands apart in being a chemical-free zone, having only used organic fertilizers right from the early stages of its inception.
On this campus, gardening, tree planting, cultivation of vegetables, medicinal plants, coconut, banana, and others are all carried out with organic fertilizers which are comprised of cow dung, goat and poultry droppings, compost and vermi-compost. By converting organic waste generated on campus into vermi-compost and using it for agriculture, the campus has set an example in waste management. Insect traps circumvent the need for chemical pesticides.
The Center encourages farmers in the adjacent village to practice organic agriculture, as well. It aims to promote cultivation practices that are effective and environment-friendly. Organic Agriculture Activities is the compilation of all these activities of the Center.