Amrita Telemedicine Services
The telemedicine service at AIMS is the first telemedicine centre in Kerala which was started in September 2002. This center was set up with the help of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which selected AIMS for its pilot telemedicine project in the state of Kerala.
The service aims to provide the best medical care to the remote corners of India, to the people who cannot afford the treatment due to their inability to travel, cost, unawareness etc. Now, more than 60 centers in India are connected from AIMS. Aside from providing consultations to the remote corners of India, AIMS uses its telemedicine link to educate doctors in remote primary centres in the latest medical advancements through seminars, workshops and teaching programs.
The integrated Amrita Tele-Medicine solution is ideal for tertiary facilities serving rural and frontier communities and aligned Critical Access Hospitals. The Amrita Telemedicine connectivity has 60 national centers and nine international centers.