In the conventional power supply scenario, the electric power feeders in different areas are manually switched off when the demand goes above the scheduled supply. This causes immense revenue loss. . .
A one-day symposium on Recent Advances in Schizophrenia Research was organized by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Medicine at the Amrita School of Medicine on January 15, 2013. “The. . .
I am very proud to get up on stage like this and say that I love technology … I love math and science … and I don’t feel that makes. . .
New Media Consortium, USA shortlist’s AmritaCREATE’s Tablet based learning project in their 2013 Horizon report – NMC Horizon Project 2013 Higher Education Edition. Read More »»
Ms. Margaret Minsky, Former member of the Media Lab at MIT, conducted a seminar at 10:30 AM on the 18th of December, 2012 in the WNA Conference Room. It was. . .
“Imagine a town that has just been hit by a disaster. There are no lights, no sounds, no movement. A rescue worker is flying overhead in a helicopter, trying to. . .
Dr. N. N. Prem, Assistant Professor at the Department of Geriatrics was awarded gold medal at the 11th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Geriatrics, GERICON 2013. The gold medal. . .
Over 100 women from several districts in Kerala joined together on Saturday to hold the first ever Women Empowerment Project Expo for Hand Painted Crafts. The project, an initiative by. . .
Social enterprises operate as independent businesses with the goal of generating profits. However, these enterprises have a clear and explicit mission to create a positive societal impact. This cogent definition. . .
“1.2 billion people worldwide live in areas that face water scarcity. 1.4 billion people have no access to electricity. Where on the one hand, food is wasted daily, 925 million. . .