“The penetration of many dailies in the newspaper industry led to intense competition and a price war,” stated Ms. Sreedevi Purayannur, Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Communication. Ms. Sreedevi was. . .
“sCTF was a worth-while learning experience for all of us. We feel the contest has elevated our caliber and has helped us strive for excellence in the field of cybersecurity.”. . .
Before the start of the three-day International Conference on Security of Internet of Things at the Amritapuri campus, Chancellor Amma told conference organizers to pay attention to those applications that. . .
“Indian religion has never shied away from science; on the other hand, it has always embraced it, seeing it in the some ways, as a counterpart to spirituality,” stated Swami. . .
“I consider this conference not only an Amrita milestone, but a national milestone. I expect that this conference will set the agenda for development of internet of things in India,”. . .
“Right from the very beginning, Chancellor Amma has placed a lot of emphasis on research and collaborations in our institution,” said Dr. Venkat Rangan, in his inaugural speech at the. . .
On Thursday, 9th August 2012, before proceeding to her regular public darshan, HER HOLINESS SRI MATA AMRITANANDAMAYI DEVI blessed the AMMACHI labs’s Mobile Vocational Education (MOVE) vehicle. This mobile classroom which is the first of its kind to run on solar energy is all set to reachout to the people in logistically and geographically diverse areas to provide vocational education for sustainable development. The first MoVE is scheduled for UNDEF project deployment that aims to provide vocational education for more than 3000 women.
Giovanni Naldi, Professor of Numerical Analysis, Department of Mathematics, University of Milan recently visited the Amritapuri campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham as part of the Indo-Italian Program of Cooperation. This. . .
When Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham deployed India’s first wireless sensor network to detect rainfall-induced landslides in Munnar, Kerala, the project garnered global attention. “It was perhaps the first time in the. . .