Under the World Bank funded initiative ‘India: e-Delivery of Public Services DPL’, Amrita’s eGovernance Analytics Platform (eGAP) project has been approved for funding to the tune of $396,000. eGAP will provide. . .
AmritaCREATE labs was invited to showcase their Rural India Tablet Education (RITE) initiative at the launch of READ Alliance by USAID and Center for Knowledge Societies (CKS). The launch event. . .
Amrita SeRVe was inaugurated on January 13th, 2014, at Valaramkunnu Tribal colony in Wayanad district of Kerala. Amrita SeRVe, will implement a comprehensive series of welfare projects intended to improve the. . .
I have tried to point out some of the positive aspects of village life here. We can learn from these people, but there is also much that we can teach.. . .
Amrita RITE- Rural India Tablet Education was launched in Uttarkashi, a district of Uttarakhand state in northern India on 2 February 2014. AmritaCREATE developed this project with the aim of. . .
AmritaCREATE (Amrita Center for Research in Analytics & Technologies for Education) won the first prize at the 26th Kerala Science Congress held at Wayanad, Kerala. The exhibit showcased the project, Online Labs (OLabs). . .
During Amma’s 60th birthday celebrations the adoption project of 101 villages throughout India was launched. The village of Mulli in the Attappady region of Kerala was one among those chosen. . .
My guide to this valley has been Sudheer. Our task, to find the 34 villages adopted by Amma, meet or at least get name and mobile, of the village mayors. . .
Amrita wins Computer Society of India’s Awards for Excellence in IT for path-breaking innovations in education and e-learning solution. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has emerged as a big winner in the Computer. . .
On 29 Dec I have left the relative comfort of Rishikesh to document the relief work of Mata Amritananda Math in the Kedar Valley of the Himalayas. The area was. . .