Venue: Krishna Hall, Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore. Topics: How to be Successful Globally and Entrepreneurship Resource Person: Ms. Sreema Nallashivam (CEO of Business Solutions Centre & VP, Metro AG).. . .
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore, organized “Research Day” on January 27 – 28, 2023, inviting all Research Heads, research supervisors, and research scholars of various campuses of Amrita School of. . .
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore, organized a Research talk, inviting Dr. V. G. Venkatesh to talk on ‘How to Enhance Research Quality’ on January 25, 2023 (Wednesday) in hybrid mode.. . .
Ms. Vibhooshana L from 2nd year MBA, Amrita School of Business Coimbatore participated in the Global Student Entrepreneur Award by EO Coimbatore Chapter and won the 2nd place with a cash award. . .
Ms. Vibhooshana L from 2nd year MBA, Amrita School of Business Coimbatore has been selected as the Chapter Finalist in Global Student Entrepreneur Award-by EO Coimbatore Chapter for the year. . .
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore organized a Research Talk, inviting Dr. Justin Paul, Professor at the University of Puerto Rico, to talk on The Art of Writing 8 Types of. . .
The Dean’s High Achiever Award ceremony was organized on 12-12-2022 at ASB. The event awarded the high academic achievers among the current 1st and 2nd year MBA students. 26 of the second-year. . .
Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore organised a program entitled MBA Talk Series – Trending Business Challenges and Career Opportunities: An MBA Outlook on November 25, 2022 (Friday) from in 4:PM. . .
Ms. Gopika Reghu, Ms. Gouri Priya Lakshmi L, II MBA students and Dr. Hemamala Krishnan, Faculty of Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore have won the first prize for the ‘Case-writing. . .
A high-level team from Amrita’s global health summit met with Smt. Droupadi Murmu at her office and residence. New Delhi – August 24, 2022 Amrita Vice Chancellor, Dr. Venkat Rangan,. . .