Dr. Raghu Raman, Chairman, Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore delivered a special address at the release of The Hindu Business Line- MBAUniverse.com B-school Ranking 2016 in Bengaluru on December 4, 2015.
Dr. Ella Salome Roininen, Lecturer- Diversity and Organizational Culture, Diversity Leadership,Karlshochschule International University, Germany conducted a two-day workshop for Amrita School of Business (ASB ) Coimbatore students on ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’.
All students and staff members in the Amritapuri Campus are hereby informed that the regular academic and research activities in the Campus will be resumed according to the following schedule
IEEE Education Society’s ‘2014 Best Transactions on Education Paper’ was awarded to ‘The VLAB OER Experience:Modeling Potential Adopter Student Experience’, published in IEEE Transactions on Education.
The 2015 Graduation Ceremony for the recipients of the Master of Science in Management- Business Analytics and Systems, and Master of Science in Embedded Systems of the University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY) were held at the Bengaluru campus of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, on the 31st of October 2015.
Under the IBM-ASB Coimbatore academic initiative, a four-day workshop on Data Analytics (Cognos software) was conducted for the faculty members of Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore (ASBC) at the campus from 29th October to 1st November 2015.
Sampoojya Swamiji Poornamritananda Puri, General Secretary of Mata Amritanandamayi Math, released the latest issue of Samvit, a quarterly student journal of Amritapuri Campus, presented by Dr. Sankaran, Registrar of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, in presence of Chancellor Amma at Amritavarsham 62 on September 27, 2015.
An HR Round Table on “Role of HR in Organizational Transformation” was organized by Amrita School of Business (ASB), Coimbatore at Sri Krishna Hall in the campus on 10th October 2015. The session was conducted in association with the launch of new HR Club in the campus.
In the first colloquium of this trimester, Dr. Martin D. Schoenhals, a cultural anthropology Professor at Columbia University, guided ASB Coimbatore students on approaching Live-in-Labs (LILA), the flagship theory-into-practice program of the college.
MBA students of Amrita School of Business (ASB), Coimbatore interacted with Prof. V. G. Narayanan, Harvard Business School, in a session held at Sri Krishna Hall in the campus on 6th October 2015. Prof. Narayanan addressed the students through online video conference.