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President of Raise Global Shares Experience at Department of Management Bengaluru Colloquium

President of Raise Global Shares Experience at Department of Management Bengaluru Colloquium

August 13, 2016

A colloquium was held on 21st August, 2016, for the 1st year students of Management of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru campus. Ms.Meera Venkat, the President of Raise Global was the speaker. She. . .

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Inauguration of  2016-18 Amrita MBA Batch Kochi

Inauguration of 2016-18 Amrita MBA Batch Kochi

August 12, 2016

Amrita MBA, Kochi, gave a hearty welcome to the students of 2016-18 batch at a grand ceremony on 29thJuly 2016.

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13th Convocation of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Announced

13th Convocation of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Announced

August 11, 2016

The 13th Convocation of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham will be held on August 21, 2016 (10:00 AM) at Coimbatore campus. The President, the Pro-Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor, Members of the Board of Management and Faculty of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham cordially invites all the graduands and their parents to the convocation ceremony.

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Amrita MBA Program, Kochi Chosen For Inaugural Edition of ‘McGraw Hill SmartBook Champions’ Award

Amrita MBA Program, Kochi Chosen For Inaugural Edition of ‘McGraw Hill SmartBook Champions’ Award

August 9, 2016

Amrita MBA Program, Kochi Campus added another feather to its cap as it was chosen by McGrawHill Education (MHE) to launch the first-ever ‘McGraw Hill SmartBook Champions’ award. The ‘SmartBook Champions’ award honors the top performing students of courses based on the innovative SmartBook platform from McGraw Hill Education.

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Associate Director of Royal Bank of Canada Addresses Amrita MBA Students at Bengaluru

Associate Director of Royal Bank of Canada Addresses Amrita MBA Students at Bengaluru

August 8, 2016

Mr. Mukund, Associate Director of Royal Bank of Canada, was the speaker in the lively session full of question and answers. This question hour was arranged during the colloquium, which was conducted for 1st Year MBA students of Department of Management, Bangalore on 3rd August, 2016.

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Amrita MBA Students from Amritapuri Among Top 3 in Startup Weekend Contest Powered by Google

Amrita MBA Students from Amritapuri Among Top 3 in Startup Weekend Contest Powered by Google

August 8, 2016

Amrita MBA students from Amritapuri campus secured the 2nd spot in the national Startup Weekend contest powered by Google, conducted on 5th, 6th and 7th August 2016. 

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Department of Management Bengaluru Students Visit SJS Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Department of Management Bengaluru Students Visit SJS Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

August 8, 2016

On July 16, 2016, the MBA students of Department of Management, Bengaluru from the classes of 2015-17 visited SJS Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. as a part of the curriculum of the Manufacturing, Planning and. . .

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Amrita MBA, Kochi Students Participates in International Yoga Day Celebrations

Amrita MBA, Kochi Students Participates in International Yoga Day Celebrations

July 29, 2016

On the occasion of ‘International Yoga Day’, the 1st year students of the Amrita MBA Program, Kochi, participated in the event organized at Regional Sports Centre, Kochi. The program was inaugurated by Union Minister Hansraj Gangaram Ahir and attended by people from all walks of life. 

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Shankar Iyer, Consumer/FMCG Professional Addresses Amrita MBA Students at Bengaluru

Shankar Iyer, Consumer/FMCG Professional Addresses Amrita MBA Students at Bengaluru

July 28, 2016

Mr. Iyer interacted with the first year MBA-MS students of the department ofManagement, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru campus, in a colloquium held at the campus on 23rd July 2016.

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Amrita MBA, Amritapuri Alumnus Certified as UNCTAD Entrepreneurship Training Workshops (ETW) Graduate

Amrita MBA, Amritapuri Alumnus Certified as UNCTAD Entrepreneurship Training Workshops (ETW) Graduate

July 18, 2016

After 6 days of rigorous training, Amritapuri MBA alumnus, Sreenath Njaneswar, was certified as an Entrepreneurship Trainer by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).  High potential and high performance entrepreneurs and employees of large public and private firms are selected through an interview process. The ETW is based on a behavioural approach to entrepreneurship. Lectures, films, exercises, role-play and business creations and competitions all form part of the program.

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