In commemoration of National Library Week 2023, a spirited quiz competition was conducted at Amrita School of Pharmacy on December 01, 2023, showcasing the intellectual prowess of students across different. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham’s Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is supporting several universities pan-India in terms of conducting Academic and Administrative Audits (AAA) and participation in various boards of studies, research, and academic advisory committees. As part of. . .
The symposium on ” Next Gen Sustainable Automotive Technologies” was organized by the Sustainable Mobility and Automotive Research Technology (SMART) Center at Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus, Kerala, on December. . .
This notification aims to inform you that regular classes for the S2 / S4 / S6 / S8 / S10 – School of Arts Humanities and Commerce, Amritapuri Batches are. . .
National Pharmacy Week is observed in the third week of November every year to recognize and acknowledge the vital role played by pharmacists in the healthcare setting. The theme of. . .
Amrita Coconut Research and Development (ACORD) Center is happy to announce by Amma’s grace and blessings, the signing of an MoU with the industrial partner Marico’s Parachute Kalpavriksha Foundation (PKF) with headquarters at Coimbatore.. . .
This notification aims to inform you that regular classes for the S2/S4/S6/S8/S10 – Amrita School of Physical Science, Amritapuri Batches are scheduled to commence on February 5th, 2024 (Monday). The. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham was represented in a distinguished panel of the prestigious 18th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2023 held at Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi, on 30 November, 2023. Dr. Raghu. . .
This notification aims to inform you that regular classes for the S2 B.Tech and S2 M.Tech ASE batches are scheduled to commence on February 5, 2024 (Monday). The Academic Calendar. . .
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham was represented in an elite FICCI Higher Education Round Table at Hotel Le Meredien, New Delhi on 28 November, 2023. The theme of the round table organized. . .