Book Recommendation Form
Faculty members can recommend the books by filling Print/Online Book Recommendation Form with the details about book including title, author, publisher, ISBN, price, etc… The books requisitioned by the faculty members for purchase should be routed through the respective HoD and Principal always with approval.
The active students including research scholars, undergraduate, and graduate students of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amaravati Campus can also recommend the books by Print Book Recommendation Form with details about book including Title, Author, Publisher, ISBN, Price etc. The book(s) requisitioned by the students must be approved by the concerned faculty (usually supervisor) and forwarded through the HoD.
Link: Book Recommendation form
Journal Recommendation Form
Faculty members can recommend the print journals by filling Print/Online Journal Recommendation Form with details about journal including title, publisher, frequency, ISSN, and price. The print journal requisitioned by the faculty members for purchase should be routed through the respective Chairperson and Dean always with approval.
Link: Journal Recommendation Form