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Samvit means knowledge or consciousness. SAMVIT is a quarterly student journal. The first issue of SAMVIT was released by Sampoojya Swami Poornamritananda Puri during Samavarnam, the traditional cultural program, on 26th April 2012.

Spirituality is the core of Indian culture, however we have been given a distorted view of our history. If we understand and imbibe our culture and tradition properly, we will find that it contains solutions to all of our problems in current days as individuals and as a society. While adopting the good from other countries, we shall remain firmly rooted in love for our own country and its rich cultural heritage, and thus lead a righteous way of living.

With this objective in mind, SAMVIT is created with highlights on Indian architecture, art and dance, etc. for everyone from all walks of life who seeks knowledge and has higher aspirations in their lives.

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Sampoojya Swamiji PoornamritanandaPuri, General Secretary of Mata Amritanandamayi Math, released the latest issue of SAMVIT presented by Dr. Sankaran, Registrar of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, in Amma’s presence at Amritavarsham 62 on 27th September, 2015.

Brahmachari Vivekamrita Chaithanya released the eleventh issue of SAMVIT presented by distinguished guests Mysore Brothers, Dr. Mysore Nagaraj and Dr. Mysore Manjunath, at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus on July 28, 2016.

Prof. R. Vaidyanathan, former Professor of Finance, IIM Bangalore who has been featured in Thinkers50 India list, released the twelfth issue of SAMVIT at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus on October 3, 2017. SAMVIT is published by Amrita Darshanam, International Centre for Spiritual Studies, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.


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