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Amrita Astronomy Club is formed in the International Year of Astronomy (2009), for educational and scientific purposes, for individuals and groups, for the primary purpose of:

  1. Developing and implementing programs designed to increase the awareness and knowledge of astronomy for all interested individuals, especially, here on Amritapuri Campus and the local community.
  2. We hope to provide the opportunity for those individuals to pursue the science of astronomy in a dark sky observation site, using the latest technology available.
  3. Providing an opportunity for all Club members and guests to share their experiences and discoveries.
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  • Telescopes
    • Sky Watcher 8” [Reflector, Dobsonian mount]
    • Galileoscope 4”
  • Binoculars
    • Celestron SkyMaster 15X70
    • Oberwerk 20X60
    • Vanguard FR 7500 7X50
    • Scopesnskies SNS 10X50
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