- Candidates who have qualified with a Bachelors’ Degree are eligible to apply for admission to the PG Diploma programme. However, the eligibility criterion is subject to modification as per the directives of competent authorities.
- Procedure for admission will be decided from time to time by theUniversity in accordance with the guidelines from competentauthorities.
- The duration of the Programme will normally be two semesters, spread over one academic year.
- The award of the PG Diploma will be recommended by the Academic Council and approved by the Board of Management in accordance with the regulations of the University.
- Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham reserves the right to modify any of the ordinances, as deemed fit, from time to time.
Maximum Duration of the Programme
A student is expected to complete the PG Diploma programme in two semesters.
However, a student may complete the programme at a slow pace within four semesters, with the prior permission of his/her Class Advisor, Chairperson of the Department and Head of the School.
A student may be permitted by the concerned Head of the School to withdraw from the programme for a semester or a longer period for reasons of ill health or on other valid grounds. However, the programme should be completed within a total span of four semesters.
Attendance of the students will be marked by the concerned teacher during every hour of the course. A student is required to put in 100% of attendance, in each of the regular or remedial courses, he/she has registered.
Marks will be awarded for attendance as follows, for each course (theory or lab.)
Putting in Marks awarded
- 96-100% attendance 5 marks
- 91-95% attendance 4 marks
- 86-90% attendance 3 marks
- 80-85% attendance 2 marks
- <80% attendance 0 marks
Assessment Procedure
The academic performance of each student in each course will be assessed on the basis of Internal Assessment (including Continuous Assessment) and an end-semester examination.
Normally, the teachers offering the course will evaluate the performance of the students at regular intervals and in the end semester examination.
In theory courses (that are taught primarily in the lecture mode), the weight for the Internal Assessment and End-semester examination will be 50:50. The Internal assessment in theory courses shall consist of at least two periodical tests, weekly quizzes, assignments, tutorials, viva-voce etc. The weight for these components, for theory-based
courses shall be 20 marks for the Continuous assessment, comprising of Quizzes, assignments, tutorials, viva-voce, etc. and 15 marks each for both the Periodical Tests.
At the end of the semester, there will be an end-semester examination of three hours duration, with a weight of 50 marks, in each lecture based subject.
In the case of laboratory courses and practical, the relative weight for Internal assessment and End-semester examination will be 80:20. The weight for the components of Internal assessment will be decided by the course committee/class committee at the beginning of the course.
Evaluation pattern for course having both Theory and Lab. components:
Courses having only one hour per week for lecture/tutorial, be treated as a Lab. course, for evaluation purposes; and evaluation pattern will be 80 marks for continuous assessment of lab. work and 20 marks for end-semester lab. examination.