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An Innovative Green Technology for Treating Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Entering Rivers and Streams

Start Date: Thursday, Dec 17,2015

End Date: Sunday, Dec 16,2018

Funded by:IC-IMPACTS(Canada) & Department of Biotechnology, Govt. Of India
An Innovative Green Technology for Treating Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Entering Rivers and Streams

Indo-Canada Collaborative Project on Wastewater treatment:

Indo-Canada Collaborative Project on Wastewater treatment:

This research project seeks to bring together biomass based biochars and hydrochars from rice husk waste product to remove heavy metals and other contaminants from industrial and domestic wastewater that makes its way untreated or only partially treated into rivers and streams. This project will design a bioreactor system that first employs biochar/hydrochar to remove heavy metals and some organic compounds from wastewater and then make use of floodplain filtration to remove other inorganic and organic compounds. The study will also take advantage of the by-product of the rice industry in India, and will use rice husk with its rich hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin and inputs into the creation of biomass based biochar and hydrochars.




  1. McGill University, Canada
  2. Lovely Professional University (LPU), Ludhiana, Punjab
  3. Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI), Pusa, New Delhi
  4. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala
  5. University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Fund Amount: 38 lakhs (to Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham)

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