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Publication Type : Journal Article

Thematic Areas : Learning-Technologies

Publisher : Psychometrika

Source : Psychometrika, Volume 79, Issue 1, p.178-181 (2014)

Campus : Amritapuri

School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

Center : Amrita Center For Research in Analytics, AmritaCREATE

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2014

Abstract : Luz gave the Treasurer’s report. She noted that the Society’s finances have significantly improved over the last couple of years. She noted that the starting cash on hand as of January 1, 2012 was $474,401.96. As of June 30, 2011 we had $157,970.68 in total income and $76,980.36 in total disbursements and thus our current cash on hand is $555,392.28. Roger Millsap gave the Editorial Council report. A total of 159 new manuscripts were submitted to Psychometrika so far in the 2012–2013. This figure compares to 144 during the 2010–2011 and 151 for 2010–2011. Our ARCS submission rate was down this year, with only 40 manuscripts this year compared to 50 last year. Considering the entire decision pool to date for 2012–2013 (both new and revised), decisions were made on 253 manuscripts. Of the 253 manuscripts, 23% were accepted, 14% were conditionally accepted, 28% were given a revise and

Cite this Research Publication : H. Mishra, Sadovski, A., Adams, G., Boney-McCoy, S., Booth, T., Broggin, E., Cheema, J., Chow, T., Cyr, D., DeLazzari, J., Dorofte, I., FIsher, W., Galyardt, A., Gerrard, P., Gökce, S., Grady, M., Hernández-Laboy, J., Hesson-McInnis, M., Hori, K., Jurek, P., Kirkpatrick, R., Li, H., Lindbergh, L., Lordan, P., Madahar, S., Mahdzir, A., Makhubela, S., Mayer, A., Moroz, D., Nam, H. - W., Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Pohl, S., Qian, J., Ramirez, R., Rifenback, G., Rose, N., Rouder, J., Rudd, D., Shim, C., Shulruf, B., Szczesniak, R., Tavakol, M., Wadlington, P., Walker, C., Yamamoto, M., Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., Walker, C., Wang, W. - C., Wasserman, R., Yamamoto, M., Zhang, M., and Zhang, Z., “EMERITUS”, Psychometrika, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 178-181, 2014.

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