Curriculum Features
The B.Pharm curriculum is revised in 2023. In the revised one, all the courses have the course outcomes defined in three domains namely; knowledge, skill and attitude as per Bloom’s taxonomy, with the course contents organized with hours for each topic and updated texts and references are enlisted.
A few important features of the Amrita B.Pharm curriculum include:
1. Cultural Education/Mastery Over Mind
Cultural Education is a new course introduced by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (AVP) to give exposure to students about richness and beauty of Indian way of life. This course emphasize on making students familiar with the rich tapestry of Indian life, culture, arts, science and heritage which has historically drawn people from all over the world.
Mastery Over Mind (MAOM) sessions are offered to all students of all campuses of AMRITA, starting with all first years, wherein one hour per week is completely dedicated for guided practical meditation session and one hour on the theory aspects. This course gives an introduction to immediate and long-term benefits of meditation and equips every student to manage stressful emotions and anxiety facilitating inner peace and harmony.
2. Life Skill
Life skill courses help students develop skills that are crucial for placements & career success. In includes topics such as soft skills and its importance, developing self confidence, making effective presentations, vocabulary building, importance of listening skills, etc.
The course carries a total of 7.5 credits.
3. Value added & skill-based courses
These courses are included for the holistic development of the students as expected by NEP 2020. There are two categories of value-added courses – Humanities and Sciences. Skill-based courses are practical-oriented ones to provide the necessary skills to increase the employability quotient and equip the students with essential skills to succeed in life. Student shall opt 2 courses in humanities (2 credits each), 2 in sciences (2 credits each) and 1skill based course (1 credit).
4. Advanced Practice School and Research Project
There is Practice school in 7th semester followed by Advanced Practice School and Research Project in the 8th semester. Practice School of 7th semester is a two-month program in hospital/community pharmacy to provide students with hands-on experience in pharmacy services. Advanced Practice School and research project is a four-month program that allows students to choose specialization in the industry, hospital, or research department. During this, students are required to identify a real-life problem in their field of specialization and conduct a research project and submit the report and thesis.
5. Continuous Evaluation
In order to give more emphasis to day-to-day learning and continuous evaluation, the weightage for internal assessment is increased to 50 from 30. This is by including various continuous evaluation components like MCQ tests, quizzes, assignments, Problem-based learning etc. in addition to the regular sessional examination.