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Influence of residual stress and poisson’s ratio on the stress intensity factor of standard specimens

Publisher : International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology

Year : 2018

Abstract : pA Numerical analysis is performed to investigate the effect of Poisson's ratio,aspect ratio (crack length to width of the specimen) and residual stress on the stressintensity factor (SIF) of standard specimens. It was found that as the Poisson's ratioand crack length (keeping width constant) was increased the SIF also increases. Theprimary or secondary manufacturing process used for preparing the specimen resultsin formation residual stress in the specimen which could affect the SIF. In this work,the specimen was subjected to thermal gradient which resulted in the tensile residualstress. This nature of residual stress leads to an increase in the estimated SIF. Thus, inthe remaining life calculation of components in service, these factors must to taken into account. © IAEME Publication./p

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