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Anomaly detection based multi label classification using Association Rule Mining (ADMLCAR)

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Second International Symposium on Emerging topics in Computing Communication, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

Source : Second International Symposium on Emerging topics in Computing Communication, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Jaipur, India, 2016

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Keywords : ADMLCAR, algorithm adaptation, anomaly detection based multilabel classification, Association Rule Mining, Class labels, cluster identification, Clustering, Clustering algorithms, data instance, Data mining, Euclidean distance measure, K-means, k-Means algorithm, label space, Loss measurement, Multi label classification, oversampling PCA, oversampling principal component analysis, Pattern classification, pattern clustering, Prediction algorithms, Principal component analysis, problem transformation, sampling methods, Testing, Training, unsupervised is, vertical data format

Campus : Amritapuri

School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Verified : No

Year : 2016

Abstract : Multi label classification contains multiple labels in the label space. Any Multi label classification problem (MLC) deals with numerous class labels associated with data instances. Due to this, correct prediction of labels for a test data remains as a challenge in this field. In this paper an Anomaly Detection based Multi Label Classification using Association Rule Mining (ADMLCAR) is used for solving MLC problem. Conventionally, most of the multi label classification problem is solved by either of the two methods: Problem transformation, Algorithm adaptation. But the method discussed in this paper aims at a novel method different from traditional solution to multi label classification problem. For clustering, ADMLCAR uses k-means algorithm and for association rule mining purpose it uses vertical data format. To predict the test data instances, this method locates the nearest cluster. Once the clusters are identified it uses oversampling principal component analysis (PCA) within the nearest cluster with respect to test instances. Oversampling PCA is used to emphasize the need for confirming the fact that test instance's label set will not only be confined to its nearest cluster label set. This is because, anyways the test instance will be identified to a nearest cluster by means of Euclidean distance measure but as clustering is unsupervised the nearest cluster may contain many objects entities of different label sets.

Cite this Research Publication :
Prathibhamol CP, Amala, G. S., and Kapadia, M., “Anomaly detection based multi label classification using Association Rule Mining (ADMLCAR)”, in Second International Symposium on Emerging topics in Computing Communication, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Jaipur, India, 2016

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