Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy)
Source : 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy), IEEE, Kollam, India (2017)
Url :
ISBN : 9781538640210
Keywords : Batteries, Battery, battery bank, battery powered vehicles, Capacitors, Converter, DC bus, electric speed booster, electric vehicle, Electric vehicle charging, Electric vehicles, ESB, EV, human transportation system, KERS, kinetic energy recovery system, regeneration system, Regenerative braking, secondary cells, Sensors, solar, solar charging system, speed boost mechanism, speed boosting, supercapacitors, Switches, toggle switch, Traction motors, traction system, Ultra-capacitor, ultra-capacitor bank, ultra-capacitor-battery combination
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Department of Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2017
Abstract : Electric vehicle is one of the major technological innovations of this century which has already shown immense potential to change the course of human transportation system. This paper focuses mainly on the design and implementation of an electric speed booster which includes an ultra-capacitor bank, a regeneration system, a solar charging system and a traction system. In this paper, an ultra-capacitor bank is charged through both regeneration as well as the solar charging system to act as a surge power source for speed boosting. Necessary converters and rectifiers have been employed for conversion of the energy for charging the capacitor bank. The ultra-capacitor bank has been connected in conjunction with a battery bank, both of which are used to support the DC bus that electrically drives the drive train. A toggle switch is employed for initiating speed boost mechanism in the vehicle. The system operates such that the ultra-capacitor-battery combination works as a range extender when speed boost is switched off and as a speed booster when it is switched on. Such a system has shown to further improve the efficiency and performance of the system. Performance analysis is carried out and results are provided in the later section of this paper.
Cite this Research Publication : Bharath K. R., Sivaraman, G., Harivishnu, B., and Haridas, M. P., “Design and implementation of electric speed booster and kinetic energy recovery system for electric vehicle”, in 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy), Kollam, India, 2017.