Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy: Exploring Energy Solutions for an Intelligent Power Grid, TAP Energy
Source : Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy: Exploring Energy Solutions for an Intelligent Power Grid, TAP Energy, 2018
Url :
Keywords : Agent, agent based modeling of electricity systems, AMES, day-ahead market operation, DC Optimal Power Flow method, DCOPF, deregulated electricity market, GenCo, Generators, Independent System Operator, ISO, LMP, load flow, Load modeling, Load Serving Entity, Locational Marginal Price, mathematical model, Open Source Software, power exchange, power markets, Power system simulation, public domain software
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Computational Engineering and Networking
Department : Center for Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN), Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2017
Abstract : This paper analyses the deregulated electricity market by using an open source software namely Agent based Modeling of Electricity Systems (AMES). DC Optimal Power Flow (DCOPF) method is used for calculating the real power flow during the market operation. The whole electricity market is managed by the Independent System Operator (ISO) which computes the hourly Locational Marginal Price (LMP) and commitments of power exchange for day-ahead market operation. For the analysis and demonstration, a 3 bus system is considered and market operation is illustrated.
Cite this Research Publication : Kiran P., Dr. Vijaya Chandrakala K. R. M., and T. N. P. Nambiar, “Day ahead market operation with agent based modeling”, in 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy), 2017.