Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Source : CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, Volume 2266, p.119-128 (2018)
Keywords : Conversational systems, Fires, IECSIL, Indian languages, Information Extractor, Information Retrieval, Malayalams, Named entities, Named entity recognition, Natural language processing systems, Relation extraction
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Computational Engineering and Networking
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2018
Abstract : This overview paper describes the first shared task on Information Extractor for Conversational Systems in Indian Languages (IECSIL) which has been organized by FIRE 2018. Motivated by the need of Information Extractor, corpora has been developed to perform the Named Entity Recognition (Task A) and Relation Extraction (Task B) for five Indian languages (Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada). Task A is to identify and classify the named entities to one of the many classes and Task B is to extract the relation among the entities present in the sentences. Altogether, nearly 100 submission of 10 different teams were evaluated. In this paper, we have given an overview of the approaches and also discussed the results that the participated teams have attained. © 2018 CEUR-WS. All Rights Reserved.
Cite this Research Publication : H. B. Barathi Ganesh, Dr. Soman K. P., Reshma, U., Kale, M., Mankame, P., Kulkarni, G., Kale, A., and M. Kumar, A., “Overview of Arnekt IECSIL at Fire-2018 track on information extraction for conversational systems in Indian languages”, in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2018, vol. 2266, pp. 119-128.