A TimeStamp Based Multi-version STM Algorithm
Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Distributed Computing and Networking
Source : Distributed Computing and Networking, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg (2014)
ISBN : 9783642452499
Campus : Coimbatore
School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2014
Abstract : Software Transactional Memory Systems (STM) are a promising alternative for concurrency control in shared memory systems. Multiversion STM systems maintain multiple versions for each t-object. The advantage of storing multiple versions is that it facilitates successful execution of higher number of read operations than otherwise. Multi-Version permissiveness (mv-permissiveness) is a progress condition for multi-version STMs that states that a read-only transaction never aborts. Recently a STM system was proposed that maintains only a single version but is mv-permissive. This raises a natural question: how much concurrency can be achieved by multi-version STM. We show that fewer transactions are aborted in multi-version STMs than single-version systems. We also show that any STM system that is permissive w.r.t opacity must maintain at least as many versions as the number of live transactions. A direct implication of this result is that no single-version STM can be permissive w.r.t opacity.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Priyanka Kumar, Peri, S., and Vidyasankar, K., “A TimeStamp Based Multi-version STM Algorithm”, in Distributed Computing and Networking, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014.