Publisher : Indian Journal of Tuberculosis
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Year : 2017
Abstract : Government of Kerala state had implemented a pilot project of the World Health Organisation recommended Practical Approach to Lung health (PAL) strategy, with an intention to improve the quality of diagnosis, treatment and management of common chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) in primary health care settings. The current study was done as a part of implementation of PAL pilot project and was intended to assess the benefits of PAL for the individual patients with CRDs accessing services from primary health institutions. Exit interviews were conducted at the baseline and for impact assessment after six months of pilot project by interviewing patients with CRD attending primary health institutions implementing PAL and control institutions. A total of 94 and 100 CRD patients were interviewed at baseline and after six months in the PAL implementing institutions, and 88 and 96 CRD patients were interviewed at the control institutions. Reduction in number of medical consultation, hospital admissions and exacerbations among CRD patients were 5.03, 3.20 and 2.24 times higher in PAL implementing institutions as compared to the control institutions. PAL pilot project in India implemented in an area with a reasonably sound primary health care system has proved that it might be beneficial for the patients with CRD as it reduces frequency of exacerbations, hospital visits and frequency of medical consultations.