Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : In Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems, Springer India
Source : In Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems, Springer India, p.1477-1487 (2015)
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2015
Abstract : Electric power generated from renewable source of energy is generally referred to as “Green power”. There has been a renewed interest in wind energy in recent years because it is a potential source for electricity generation with minimal environmental impacts and with no cost of fuel. Nowadays, the main challenge in a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind electric conversion system is the proper maintenance of slip rings and brushes. Due to wear and tear, the slip rings and brushes of generator have to be frequently changed, which will be quite expensive. Also it will be very difficult to access them in the case of offshore wind farm. So, Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (BDFIG) was proposed to replace the traditional DFIG. Besides eliminating the slip rings and brushes, BDFIG has other advantages such as the improvement of reliability and cost effectiveness. This paper deals with mathematical modelling of BDFIG based Wind Electric Generator (WEG). Modelling is done for 50 kW WEG with the help of mathematical equations governing each component using MATLAB Simulink and the results are presented.
Cite this Research Publication : A. Suresh, Resmi, R., and Vanitha, V., “Mathematical Model of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Electric Generator”, In Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems, Springer India, pp. 1477-1487, 2015.