Publisher : International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2018
Abstract : pAugmented reality is a technology which supplements the real world with digital information. An augmented reality (AR) interface superimposes digital objects or cooperative computer visuals, on to the real world dynamically. Since its introduction, the technology has been capable of presenting possibilities that have been challenging for other technologies to offer and meet. Nevertheless, AR environments has been largely limited to simple browsing or simply viewing of virtual information registered to the real world. In a few more years, AR will definitely change the way individuals view the world. In this paper, we have designed a system where remote files and directories are augmented in real-time over the camera view of the smartphone, tablet or PC. The users can access the remote file system and perform operations using gestures. This system provides a smooth and continuous interaction between the user and the digital space by only using hand gestures, without the use of any special purpose devices like a mouse or a joystick. Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd./p