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Compare 2-D and 3-D effect on Various Geometry for Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Porous System

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : PSG College of Technology

Source : 1st National conference on Energy Efficient Mechanical System Design and Manufacturing, PSG College of Technology (2011)

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2011

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. M. Ramu, A. P. Senthil kumar, V. Prabhu Raja, and P. Karthikeyan, “Compare 2-D and 3-D effect on Various Geometry for Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Porous System”, 1st National conference on Energy Efficient Mechanical System Design and Manufacturing. PSG College of Technology, 2011.

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