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Studies on the effect of the temperature of intermediate fluid on the effectiveness of three fluid heat exchangers

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM - 2017), American Institute of Physics Inc.,

Source : International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM - 2017), American Institute of Physics Inc., Volume 1859, VIT, Vellore, TN. (2017)

Url :

ISBN : 9780735415331

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical, Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2017

Abstract : Three fluid heat exchangers involving twothermal communications as well as three thermal communications have been investigated for the effect of change in the intermediate fluid temperature on the effectiveness of the heat exchangers, using both theoretical and simulation studies. The objective of these heat exchangers is identified as cooling of hot fluid. The simulations are repeated for hot fluids with different specific heats. The effect of change in the conducting material on the effectiveness in a three thermal communications heat exchanger has been investigated. The pressure drop calculations are also done for the heat exchangers. © 2017 Author(s).

Cite this Research Publication : T. Vasudevan, G., D. Rakesh S., D., S. S., and S.G., M., “Studies on the Effect of the Temperature of Intermediate Fluid on the Effectiveness of Three Fluid Heat Exchangers”, in International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM - 2017), VIT, Vellore, TN. , 2017, vol. 1859.

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