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Using Attribute-Based Access Control for Remote Healthcare Monitoring

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Thematic Areas : Amrita Center for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks

Publisher : 2017 4th International Conference on Software Defined Systems,

Source : 2017 4th International Conference on Software Defined Systems, SDS 2017, 2017, pp. 137-142

Url :

ISBN : 9781538628553

Campus : Amritapuri, Coimbatore

School : Centre for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks, School of Engineering

Center : Cyber Security, TBI

Department : Chemical, cyber Security

Year : 2017

Abstract : Remote Healthcare Monitoring (RHM) IoT infrastructure uses sensors and smartphones to collect vital parameters from patients. These parameters pertaining to medical records are shared with healthcare professionals at geographically distant locations to provide timely medical care. RHM applications deployed on IoT infrastructure must address the issues of security and privacy in a constrained environment. We present our H-Plane framework for RHM and propose the use of the NIST Next Generation Access Control (NGAC) framework for specifying and enforcing access control policies. © 2017 IEEE.

Cite this Research Publication : I. Ray, Alangot, B., Nair, S., and Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, “Using Attribute-Based Access Control for Remote Healthcare Monitoring”, in 2017 4th International Conference on Software Defined Systems, SDS 2017, 2017, pp. 137-142

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