Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Management: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Applications: 24-27 December 2010, Pondicherry, India
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2010
Abstract : In order to support a more self-motivated and stretchy communication between the learner and the system or and the tutor, two category of agents are integrated. In this paper, two types of physically challenged learner have taken for consideration, the first learner is a hearing-impaired learner and the second type is a sightless learner. Since emotions play an important role in cognitive processes and specially in learning tasks adaptive agent is integrated with emotional framework for deaf learner. For the second type of learner screen reader software like JAWS is more helpful to convert text to sound, but there is no such useful software to convert picture to sound. In this situation, sound agent will be more useful to convert picture to sound. Emotional agent can recognizes six basic emotions (happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger and disgust) of a tutor. Sound agent shall help to convert the basic shapes, which are used to draw any diagram or write any text (straight line, sleeping line, slanting line or curve). Tutor can also identify the mood of the student by calculating the response speed.