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Implementation and Analysis of Controlling a Synchronous Motor by Using a Predictive Current Control with the Help of FPGA

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Programmable Device Circuits and Systems

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2011

Abstract : This paper mainly aims at developing a FPGA-based speed controller for a synchronous machine with an internal current control loop based on a predictive current controller. Due to the complex computation schemes, predictive current controllers implemented in a full digital system are characterized by an inevitable delay in calculating and applying the switching states to the inverter. Consequently, their performances are affected and the achieved sampling frequency is limited. These digital control limitations are mainly due to the processing speed versus computational complexity trade-off. To cope up with this problem, specific digital hardware technology such as FPGA can be used as an alternative digital solution to ensure fast processing operation and to preserve performances of predictive current controllers in spite of their complex computation schemes. In order to illustrate this, an FPGA implementation of a synchronous machine speed controller based on a predictive current controller is presented and fully analyzed in this work

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